Do you prefer: Blondes or brunettes? slim or thick girls? tall or short? green,…

Do you prefer: Blondes or brunettes? slim or thick girls? tall or short? green, blue, brown or hazel eyes? older or younger? tan or fair?

(submitted by: Anonymous)


  1. Whatever looks good on her.
  2. Slim.
  3. Short.
  4. I care more about size than color.
Read the rest “Do you prefer: Blondes or brunettes? slim or thick girls? tall or short? green,…”

My boyfriend likes painal and I have never done anal before and I’m scared of what might happen. How do I mentally prepare?

You mentally prepare by looking yourself in the mirror and asking, “Bitch, what are you thinking, letting this dude even contemplate making your first butt-sex a violent event?”

You’re a girl: life is going to take every opportunity to wreck you.… Read the rest “My boyfriend likes painal and I have never done anal before and I’m scared of what might happen. How do I mentally prepare?”

I accidentally farted while having anal sex with my boyfriend. He hasn’t talked to me for a day, and I’m feeling bad. How do I get him to forgive me?

Okay, both of you goofy motherfuckers need to learn to laugh a little. I mean, sure, a fart can be a real mood-killer in certain circumstances —if he’d been going down on you, for example— but it might also be an entirely predictable occurrence if he’s roughly pumping objects in and out of your assorted nether-holes.… Read the rest “I accidentally farted while having anal sex with my boyfriend. He hasn’t talked to me for a day, and I’m feeling bad. How do I get him to forgive me?”

Wanna know something silly???? First time i watched citizen kane i was high on coughing syrup and edibles and got heart palpitations every time they mentioned rosebud because high me had imagined it to be something totally terrifying, disturbing, bone chilling 😂 the reveal made me scream

Okay, that is funny.

For better or worse, I had “rosebud” spoiled for me years before I finally watched Kane. The main spoiler I recall was in Julie Brown’s song The Homecoming Queen’s Got A Gun. (I’m quietly surprised to see that it’s still on Apple Music… I figured it would have been cancelled long ago.)

Why is it, that more than anything I would like to be punched in the face and degraded by a mean big dad but on the other hand I have never met a man who I think would do that, I want to see men as the authority but I just can’t, I’m so much mentally stronger that men just amuse me most of the time. Sorry for the horrific grammar, english is not first language.

First, your English seems pretty solid to me. Good job.

Second, I’m afraid you’re gonna discover that anyone with an ego inflated sufficiently to overwhelm your own will never give you the time of day. They’re not going to expend effort trying to impress the means to their ends… it would be like cutting the grass in a zig-zag pattern just to amuse your lawnmower.… Read the rest “Why is it, that more than anything I would like to be punched in the face and degraded by a mean big dad but on the other hand I have never met a man who I think would do that, I want to see men as the authority but I just can’t, I’m so much mentally stronger that men just amuse me most of the time. Sorry for the horrific grammar, english is not first language.”