Chain Link (part 1)

[CONTENT NOTE: Consider the source.]

My girlfriend had a plan.

It was the news that did it, that made her snap. She’d always been angry, defensive, and bitter, but never quite passionate. Clearly, she’d been lacking motivation.

“I can’t stand knowing that these scumbags, these men,” she said, the last word spat like venom, “are out there, just walking around, waiting for a chance to attack someone!… Read the rest “Chain Link (part 1)”

I Think My new Daddy is cheating on me what should I do … Well no I don’t think I positively know now so 😣

You already know what you should do. Unless you were raised in a bubble of female subservience with no access to the outside world, you know what to do when your new man immediately starts banging another chick on the sly.… Read the rest “I Think My new Daddy is cheating on me what should I do … Well no I don’t think I positively know now so 😣”

Hi. Thank you for existing and running this blog. It is good to know people like you exists. People who understands. Sorry for this very weird message, I don’t exactly know what I’m trying to say. Just thank you, I guess. xxxxx good vibes and have a great day!!!

As men, we break so many things. The least I can do is look you in the eye and acknowledge the mess we’ve made of you.

You’re welcome.

Invasion (2005)

My life was pretty hectic in the mid-2000s, and my television-watching time was mostly swallowed up by Rome, Deadwood, and The Wire. So I should be pleased that it only took me ten years to finish watching Invasion; for comparison’s sake, it will probably be ten more before I bother to find out what happened after season two of Lost.… Read the rest “Invasion (2005)”

I think it’s cute that so many of you are surprised and/or disappointed when I’m polite, pay you a compliment, or otherwise treat you like you’re a human being. It’s as if you’re nervously expecting to be attacked by a rampaging sex-ogre, but instead end up getting a pat on the head from Shrek.… Read the rest “”