Gone Girl

[SPOILERS for Gone Girl]

Gone Girl was better than I expected, in unexpected ways.

There aren’t enough clear-eyed, female sociopaths in movies or television. We’ve got fuck-tons of crazy bitch characters, certainly, and countless man-eating succubi; in recent years, we even have a growing collection of AARP-eligible she-monsters, out to rip a hole in the world.… Read the rest “Gone Girl”

honestly I’m more attracted to your twisted sense of humour and the fact that I believe you actually look like Mr. Blonde than the “i only fuck broken girls” thing

1. I’m good with that. If we factor my penis out of the equation, making a woman laugh is just as satisfying as making a skank cry.

2. In the immortal words of Journey’s Steve Perry: don’t stop believin’.

3. In fairness, it’s not as if I have a rule against screwing emotionally competent women; smart, stable girls have their obvious charms.… Read the rest “honestly I’m more attracted to your twisted sense of humour and the fact that I believe you actually look like Mr. Blonde than the “i only fuck broken girls” thing”

how would you treat a girl who’s never had sex before? not even a kiss?

In my black little heart of hearts, would I love to be some chick’s first big mistake? Would I like to bite an untouched lip, look into her eyes, and savor the moment when her innocence dies? Would I delight in the opportunity to whisper little cruelties in her ear and lick the tears from her cheek as her body accepts the first of many invasions?… Read the rest “how would you treat a girl who’s never had sex before? not even a kiss?”

The Fixer

The Fixer

You can keep screaming, but they’re not turning the car around. Mommy and Daddy don’t want you anymore, not as you are. They don’t want to see your face again until you’ve been fixed.

It’s a shame, of course… you and I both know there’s nothing wrong with being a lesbian, and it’s insane that they hate that part of you with such fervor.… Read the rest “The Fixer”

im kind of confused about what kind of girls youre into. like, people who were abused or something?

I can understand the confusion, but no, that’s not it.

Simply being an abused woman doesn’t render one a “broken girl”; the world is full of strong, capable, resilient women who have survived their personal hells and come out the other side as vibrant human beings.… Read the rest “im kind of confused about what kind of girls youre into. like, people who were abused or something?”