She hesitated. Something felt wrong. She looked to him.
“Remember, ‘normal’ isn’t a useful benchmark,” he said.
She sighed, and shimmied out of her jeans.
She hesitated. Something felt wrong. She looked to him.
“Remember, ‘normal’ isn’t a useful benchmark,” he said.
She sighed, and shimmied out of her jeans.
Sexual shame in general has been a central organizing principle of modern civilization, but women’s shame in particular has been a tool for structuring societies all the way back to antiquity. Talking about the “good” or “bad” of it almost misses the point; like war, it’s so much bigger than the parochial priorities of the present.
So when I say something’s been “broken”, what I’m talking about is a vast, embedded system of control that has been overloaded and crashed by spoiled little boys who were never taught to appreciate their toys. By depriving women of even the most basic benefits of oppression –privacy, intimacy, mystique– men have essentially forced the women around them to begin dividing by zero. It’s all error reports and unexpected output from there.
As for a fix, what does that even look like? A wholesale replacement of the cultural infrastructure? A reset to some comfortable collection of pre-21st century norms? Legal patches that punt the problem down the road to generations yet unborn? Or is the fix as simple as openly acknowledging that the system exists, that it is huge and powerful, and we must each seek to engage it on our own terms?
I honestly don’t know.
Dear god, I’ve found it. After all these years and all my haunted dreams, I’ve found it. The document at the heart of my destruction.
I had a soul as a boy, before I watched The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon. I’m sure of it. I have no proof save my long-dried tears, but I am certain.
They showed this to me. Do you realize? The television people. They showed this. To all of us. We were children. I know now what I could only guess then, that there are hells beyond human ken, and so my last hope —as I teeter here upon my sanity’s fine edge— is that the monsters responsible for this Afterschool Atrocity have each found diverse damnations in which to churn.
So many years, so many decades. Trying to drown Him out, to quiet the memory of His eldritch assertions, to wash from my recollection all trace of the words that He burned into my rotting heart. Even now, I tremble to transcribe the terror.
“You can do it, Duffy Moon.”
This world is His, and I am lost.
who measures their dick using the metric system
Human history is nothing more than the long, slow process of men developing ever-finer scales of measurement for their penises.
I’m pretty sure Noah spent half his nights in the ark measuring his dick and inwardly lamenting that a “quarter of a cubit” didn’t sound as impressive as it should.
No meanness asked, none given. 😀
I wish I had some magic pill or mantra I could give you that would make everything feel a little more tolerable. Unfortunately, all I have for you is a hug, a pat on the head, and assurance that it *can* get better.
You girls are all tough as nails, in your own way. You have to be, to put up with men like me.
The American Right is deeply disturbed, but it’s time the American Left copped to our part in making them so. We spent the 1990s gaslighting them over Bill and Hillary Clinton, successfully convincing the body politic that up was down, black was white, and wrong was perfectly okay if you were cool about it.
I can’t help but think about the shit we fed them, and then pause to savor the flavor that currently dominates my own palate; it’s a pretty gross way to learn a pretty gross lesson.
At some point, we really need to stop doing this to one another.
My virginity wasn’t named Jenni… his name was Sebastian, I killed him, and I’m glad he’s dead.
You —a person who’s insecure about her trashy accent— and I —a well-known bastard— spend an afternoon exploring a crowded museum, where I insist that you express your thoughts about each display. Every time you finish speaking, I respond with “Say again? I can’t understand a fucking word coming out of your head.”
When a group of schoolchildren pass, I get their attention, point at you, and roll my eyes while you repeat yourself. The kids’ chaperone gives me a dirty look, but then pauses to listen to what you’re actually saying, shrugs, and gives me a sympathetic smile.
Then the chaperone and I go get a drink while the kids ask you if you were dropped on your head when you were little.
She was old; not yet an elder, but long past the bloom of youth. Her hair was ragged and filthy, her face scarred by the ravages of childhood disease and a harsh life at civilization’s newly forged edge. When her lips curled back to howl out her pain, they revealed oddly angled, cracked teeth that had been used to defend as often as dine. Her scent was sour and dark, like the line of her mouth and the depths of her eyes. Her pendulous teats clapped together, their rhythm that of the frantic, lustful creature that had draped himself atop her.
She wasn’t beautiful, but there was *something* about her.
Not so, her attacker; he was an indistinct, brutal blur, raw greed and self-indulgence in the rough shape of a man. He was not the first of them to take her; she had been passed around by the band of raiders for… days? Weeks? I couldn’t say, nor, it’s likely, could she; her people observed the cycle of day and night, but they reckoned time in their bodies, in the demands of the viscera and the weakness of the bones. The starvation, exposure, and steadily escalating violence had therefore dismantled what passed for her clock, and she was left adrift in a strange, obscene, and eternal moment.
Whatever the true interval between the attack on her tribe, the murder of their men, the capture of their women, and her free-fall into the bottomless chasm of Now, it is enough to say that one more dirty, hateful brute stabbing at her battered flesh should have been indistinguishable from the last. And yet.
She was *special*.
It started long before the raid. Back with her people, on those nights her mother could not protect her from her father, or those days her father could not protect her from the other men; she had known fear. She had struggled, and clawed, and begged for release with all the strength she could muster. She’d become intimately familiar with a certain sort of burn and ache, and a rare, fleeting flash of something more terrifying still. Something that made her doubt the certainty of her senses.
So it was that she knew much of the desires of men. But the beatings she’d recently endured, doled out as entertainment… *those* were new. As were the open insults to her dignity: the way the bandits spat upon her, splayed her nakedness before the gods of heaven, and carved the wicked sigils of demons into her body. They didn’t care that she’d borne strong, brave babies, children who had harkened to signs and honored their elders. They didn’t care that her mother had taught her the special knots that secured their tent on nights when the indifferent wind roared across the plain. They didn’t care about the fish she could catch, the rabbits she could skin, the songs she could sing, nor the wounds she could mend.
She was nothing to them. But she was everything to *me*.
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