how do i go about getting guys to be mean to me too many i connect with try to be nice

That, m’dear, is what ya call a “high-class problem”. But life sucks even for the privileged, so the question is worth considering.

I’m repeating myself here, but first, focus your attention on men who are demonstrably smarter than you. It’s not that stupid guys can’t get you off; it’s just that the smarter ones have more varied and less lethal ways to take you on the ride for which you yearn.… Read the rest “how do i go about getting guys to be mean to me too many i connect with try to be nice”

There’s so many rape & non-consent fantasies swirling around in my head, and I genuinely find myself asking how I would feel if any of them came true, nonconsensually. And the fact that I’m turned on by that idea really confuses me, and I don’t know how to interpret that. What does it mean if you get wet at the idea of actually being abused?

Here’s the thing: lots of women enjoy the idea. And some women are even capable of erotically metabolizing the reality, at least in hindsight. But of all the chicks I’ve talked with over the years, to a woman, they fucking hated it while it was happening.… Read the rest “There’s so many rape & non-consent fantasies swirling around in my head, and I genuinely find myself asking how I would feel if any of them came true, nonconsensually. And the fact that I’m turned on by that idea really confuses me, and I don’t know how to interpret that. What does it mean if you get wet at the idea of actually being abused?”

Congrats on recognizing the obvious: that females who crave abuse are mentally unfit. So many d/s blogs try to make out that they’re “normal” when it’s very clear that their behavior is so outside the norm it’s not even in the ball field. Not judging, of course, it takes all kinds, but never pretend that you don’t belong with them.

Many things to talk about here, in no certain order.

1. I’m responding to this because you caught me in a moment where your comments intersected with some of my current thinking, and you managed to keep your contempt-to-politeness ratio somewhat reasonable.… Read the rest “Congrats on recognizing the obvious: that females who crave abuse are mentally unfit. So many d/s blogs try to make out that they’re “normal” when it’s very clear that their behavior is so outside the norm it’s not even in the ball field. Not judging, of course, it takes all kinds, but never pretend that you don’t belong with them.”

Anonymous asked:

that anon saying about being born in 1999 and your response was so 😵‍💫😵‍💫(and interesting too!) I was born in 2005 so i’m curious as to what that was like for you 😛

also ive seen your blogs around for a while but only just followed it recently.

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this many

i lost track of how many times i was just minding my business, going about my day, when Daddy would simply hold up 3 fingers in front of me, annnnd suddenly my brain was mush and i couldn’t talk anymore

when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it has or that you’d one day control the lives of many, have global reach, be the overlord of multiple living breathing human beings, and the founder of a cult-lite made up of who knows how many dedicated and adoring fans, all who found you through a shitty blogging website?

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