How the hell does rape play even work? Is there suppose to be some element of surprise? Do you expect your lover to just tackle you as soon as you walk through the door after a long day and “rape” you? Like wut?


it’s generally set up and agreed on and limits are shared, then idk, they try to make it as surprising as possible i guess lol

Surprise is overrated. It’s fun, and a good way to trigger a sexy little panic, but the thrill doesn’t outlive the moment.

Suspense, on the other hand… now that’s where it’s at, baby. The gnawing dread of an all-too-certain future can eat at a girl indefinitely, with very little manual upkeep required.

But then, I’m mean and lazy.

I love u daddy but if u ever talk badly about Evan Peters again I will come to ur house and fight u 🌸

(Someone’s been deep-diving the blog.)

I’ll try to be kinder to Evan. Note that I haven’t said a word about his… expertly layered and subtle performance in AHS: Hotel. Nor about his… understandable and wholly relatable inability to manage the violent outbursts of a five foot tall toothpick with a dye job. As far as I can tell, he is a very nice little man.

So now you don’t have to fight me, which is for the best. Because I will kick a girl right in the lady-junk.