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This looks unnecessarily awkward.

Yeah. Getting rimmed might be nice, but the thrill of making her feel like a low-end bidet isn’t enough to compensate for the damage to my own dignity.

One of the key differences between me and the girls I like is that there are some things I won’t do to get off.

Know It When You See It

[CONTENT ADVISORY: Don’t read this unless you like feeling sexually paranoid and ashamed.]

No matter the man –be he your father figure, your priest, your doctor, your judge, your boss, your teacher, your student, your lover, or simply your dearest of friends– he will always have his moment. His moment when everythng is just so; you’ll say something he doesn’t like, the light will be falling across your face in that perfect way, his hormones will be raging as they so often do, he’ll notice that you smell of flowers and sin, and you’ll realize you have never felt so small and alone.

His gaze will have become absolutely, intensely male.

That’s when he’ll look at you and silently confirm everything you’ve ever suspected about the men in your life; he’ll admit the surest of truths without uttering a word, and you’ll only be able to blink in reply. You’ll be seized by a certainty that the unthinkable is suddenly one irrational, inhuman impulse away from becoming the unforgettable.

It’ll pass in a second; he’ll shrug or shout or change the subject, and you’ll be able to breathe again. From the point of view of anyone watching, it will be as if nothing happened. Everything will be the same, except you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that somewhere deep inside him, within this man who shares your world, there was a little voice speaking out, clearly and urgently.

“No. Not her. Not this time.”

You’ll both actively try to forget, of course, and he might even succeed; after all, he has only the memory of what he did not do, while you must carry the knowledge of all he might have done. But that’s not the part that will truly haunt you.

No, the thing that will make your nights long and sleepless will be a gnawing, pressing inner voice of your own, one that cares less for you than it should. Over and over, it will ask you a thousand questions using a thousand words, all of them variations on a single theme.

“But… why not?

Regarding break and build: SGG, are you talking about someone breaking someone down in play or at large? They are clearly different animals. The latter is dangerous and a sign of a twue-dommy (who probably still lives with Mommy). Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and/or skill can build someone up (so they can reach their potential) without breaking them down first. Building up is building up, period. In play, it ‘might’ be acceptable, if it is mutually agreed upon. SGG, thoughts?


I’m not sure what this is regarding, but here’s my view on the whole ‘break her down before I build her up again’ phenomenon:

1) It was created by men who lack the finesse to inspire submission. (You might recognize them by their ‘Take it, slut!’ snarl.)

2) Most (self-proclaimed) dominant men who tout this practice do not, in my opinion, have the education, experience, and/or skill set to safely take another person through the drive-thru of an Arby’s much less the murky depths of the human psyche. 

In fairness, is it technically possible for anyone to safely go through an Arby’s drive-thru? Between the permanent cloud of aerosolized beef grease and the thin, omnipresent layer of Horsey Sauce on every surface, it’s like an obstacle course for the human immune system.

Dear Bedtime #2

Someone asked (paraphrased for anonymity):

If a whore accepts she’s broken and harnesses her “broken-ness” to bring immense happiness and satisfaction to her man –and consequently herself– does that essentially “un-break” her?“

Perhaps. There are plenty of broken-but-functioning people in the world, and they seem to get that way by finding a groove in life that suits their limitations… your relationship with your dom could certainly provide that. But as with any crutch, if someone kicks it away when you’re still hobbled, you’re simply going to fall down; learning to work around your damage –and even use it to your benefit– isn’t exactly the same thing as healing.

But then, It’s up to you to decide if the difference is worth the effort. Your happiness is yours to define.

Sir…when you say you’re in the market for muses, what do you mean?

Most of my longer, more intense pieces are the direct result of someone opening up to me; sometimes in extended, probing conversations, sometimes in spontaneous confessions of deeply hidden, shameful desires. Whether we’re talking scary realities, secretive fantasies, or a multitude of minor, human details, there’s always something new for me to learn.

Writing this shit so that it appeals to otherwise rational women means listening to otherwise rational women talk about themselves and the fucked up thoughts they’re supposed to deny, then translating everything I’ve absorbed into something that’s simultaneously intimate and externalized. I can’t be me without all of you, in other words.

It should also go without saying that I enjoy fangirly adoration and gratuitous, inexplicable hero-worship. That flow of energy fuels my creativity and keeps me giving a shit about what I have to say; I’m not nearly as convinced of my overwhelming awesomeness as some of you seem to be.

So for me, I guess a muse is someone who wants her stories to live outside her, and passionately believes that mine are the words that will sustain them.

Dear Bedtime #2

Someone asked (paraphrased for anonymity):

If a whore accepts she’s broken and harnesses her “broken-ness” to bring immense happiness and satisfaction to her man –and consequently herself– does that essentially “un-break” her?“

Perhaps. There are plenty of broken-but-functioning people in the world, and they seem to get that way by finding a groove in life that suits their limitations… your relationship with your dom could certainly provide that. But as with any crutch, if someone kicks it away when you’re still hobbled, you’re simply going to fall down; learning to work around your damage –and even use it to your benefit– isn’t exactly the same thing as healing.

But then, It’s up to you to decide if the difference is worth the effort. Your happiness is yours to define.