Go away now.

Dear Game of War:

Congratulations! You have my undivided attention! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to make me hate the sight of Kate Upton? It’s like you’re practicing some weird, psychological alchemy, where you transmute my love of tits into a barely-suppressed urge to throw my iPad across the room.

Now that I’ve acknowledged the cleverness and success of your little experiment, can you pretty-please stop poking me with a jiggly, blonde stick everywhere I go online? I’d really appreciate it.


Personally speaking, I can’t wait to watch life tear you apart.

I’ve never found Nicole Kidman particularly attractive. Part of that is no doubt due to my instinctive aversion to any vagina that has been sullied by that psychotically-grinning, couch-bouncing, Thetan-nuzzling nutjob to whom she was once wed. But it’s probably more about how damned cold she is as an actress. It’s the same issue I once had with Charlize Theron, before she showed her chops in Monster; her beauty always seemed to lack passion, or at least obscure it.

But in Stoker, I absolutely loved her. And it was all down to this moment, this scrap of performance where she took full ownership of that icy persona and channeled it into an expression of bitterness and spite so visceral that it made a generally dream-like, otherworldly film snap into sharp focus.

Yeah, I’m a pervert, so I loved all the saddle-shoed, incestuous piano-playing and murder, but it was Kidman’s magnificent little monologue that made Stoker one of my favorite films of 2013.

“Crazy Bitch” – Buckcherry

Baby girl
You want it all
To be a star
You’ll have to go down
Take it off
No need to talk
You’re crazy
But I like the way you fuck me

Buckcherry’s Crazy Bitch was my ringtone for about six months in the mid-2000s, which probably says more about me as a then-thirtysomething man than I should be comfortable admitting.

But hey, look: sluts dancing around urinals!