My girls pussy just won’t get wet, any advice?

My girls pussy just won’t get wet, any advice?

(submitted by: Anonymous)


  • Limber up your jaw and get to work, soldier.
  • Buy some KY. Make it a case; you don’t want to be cock-blocked by the supply chain.
  • Foreplay isn’t something you do in bed; it’s making her think about being hurt and used all day long.
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Hi, I’m christian and I’m waiting for marriage. Despite that I’m very into basically…

Hi, I’m christian and I’m waiting for marriage. Despite that I’m very into basically everything that is on your blog. I’m a romantic at heart and terrified of intimacy, but I still want all this kind of sex eventually, even though I’m scared that a church boy won’t want to do it, so maybe I’ll just settle for a very conservative man.

Read the rest “Hi, I’m christian and I’m waiting for marriage. Despite that I’m very into basically…”

I’m the anon who asked for the lesbian corrective kink story. I am also…

I’m the anon who asked for the lesbian corrective kink story. I am also the anon who told you a while ago that I’m 27 and my daddy is in his 60s. I am so grateful that you took the time to link me to the story and to let me know about the site search feature!

Read the rest “I’m the anon who asked for the lesbian corrective kink story. I am also…”

I’ve had two guys tell me I don’t give off any “submissive vibes” at…

I’ve had two guys tell me I don’t give off any “submissive vibes” at all. I feel like they’re saying all subs should behave a certain way and the fact that I’m not a general “people pleaser” and that I’m very strong-willed, means I’m not a true sub.

Read the rest “I’ve had two guys tell me I don’t give off any “submissive vibes” at…”

(The unedited version of the stream is available on Telegram.)

We finally watched the pilot of The Shield, and followed it up by going in the opposite direction with Dr. Horrible.

(“The hammer is my penis.”)

We didn’t have the chance to do story time, unfortunately, so I told the chat-chicks to gather some suggestions, and we’ll do a whole bunch of reading on Saturday’s stream.


I’ve got a new girl set up with cameras, and I swear, it never gets old.

The first time I look in on a girl she’s usually prepared, anxious, and watching for the LED to change color. She plays it cool, and her nervousness comes out by hiding behind her hair or blankets, or through the waggling of her hyperactive hands/feet.… Read the rest “Peeking”

Mr. B, some wise words please? im single but i have a long term…

Mr. B, some wise words please? im single but i have a long term friend with benefits. i don’t really do casual stuff. so it’s a little bit more than just fwb. but also he’s a dominant. anyway. last time we fucked (four days ago) he made me say my pussy was his, which was hot in the moment and totally new, but then he came in me.

Read the rest “Mr. B, some wise words please? im single but i have a long term…”