Cranky Old Man Shit #3

If you don’t know who U2 is*, first, unfollow me because you’re an infant. But if you’re still here… you have horrible, awful, neglectful parents who hate you. Please go find someone who can explain to you that the world existed before 1996.

*You don’t have to like them… I haven’t liked anything they’ve done in the last decade. But not knowing they exist is an unacceptable level of stupid.

im really ashamed of myself at the moment, I just masturbated to a story about a girl being raped

It won’t be the last time, sweetheart. You’ve thought the unthinkable thoughts. You’ve allowed a few paragraphs of text to shred your scruples and fuck your mind. You’re entitled to your shame, to question your own decency; the more you do, the harder you’ll cum when you do it all again next time.

In fact, one might say you’ve got it coming.