why do you call random girls “cunt”?

How do you define random? I called RPB a cunt a couple posts ago, but (1) she *is* a cunt, (2) she knows it, and (3) she’s hardly random.

Most women are fully-formed, capable human beings, and I try to treat them accordingly. But some women are simply fuckholes, and I call them cunts. If I slip on occasion and confuse one of the former with one of the latter, it’s an unfortunate misidentification, not an intentional accusation or insult.

You have a beautiful way with words. I am in love with your writing style



I love your excellent taste. Come off anon and lavish me with your textual adulation… there is always room in my fangirl harem.

That’s a much better first message than mine was, which was basically me going I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU YOU’RE SO SICK I READ YOUR ENTIRE BLOG I LOVE YOU HI WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!!!

It’s just that sort of reckless, manic enthusiasm for lecherous old men that will take you far in life, cunt.

Well, maybe not *far*… but it’ll definitely get you taken.

that sounds so unhealthy though. don’t you want to help those girls instead of ejaculate on them?

First off, let me say I love that question. Everything about it is spectacular.

Second, here’s a recent post on that subject that should provide an answer.

Third, are you suggesting that ejaculating isn’t helping? Because if it isn’t, I really need to reconsider a lot of my charity work.

im kind of confused about what kind of girls youre into. like, people who were abused or something?

I can understand the confusion, but no, that’s not it.

Simply being an abused woman doesn’t render one a “broken girl”; the world is full of strong, capable, resilient women who have survived their personal hells and come out the other side as vibrant human beings. I wish them nothing but good fortune and blissful, symmetrically satisfying relationships all the days of their lives. I’m not writing for them.

Nor is abuse itself a defining factor. There are many roads that lead to Broken City –some I’m sure I’ve yet to see– and not all of them are twisted and dark. Girls often come to town by the most banal, well-traveled routes.

“Daddy ignored me.” “Mommy was never satisfied with me.” “No man has ever really cared about me.” “I watched too much porn as a kid.” “I fail at everything I try in life.” “I will never feel pretty until I look like Mila Kunis.” It goes on and on in that vein.

See, it’s not really about what a girl’s gone through to get here; it’s about how she reacts to it. It’s in her surrender to her own inadequacies, her cozy comfort with self-loathing, the masks she hides behind, and the inexplicable connection between her clit and her deepest shame.

So what am I really in to? Just look for a girl writhing naked in the jagged shards of her broken existence, luxuriating in her own wreckage. She’s one of mine.

About that post about religion spoiling everything. Well I’ve been sheltered In a religious family, gone to Christian school. And It’s made me the whore I am today. So it doesn’t always spoil everything

Like abusive boyfriends, absentee daddies, and ice cream truck drivers who give special hugs, religion certainly has a place in the broken girl ecosystem; having your mind fucked by Jesus can lead you to the unwavering belief that you were born a ruined, unclean thing that deserves to suffer. Which, yeah, is actually really hot when you stop to think about it.

But poison is still poison, even if you survive it. I enjoy a good whore as much as the next sadistic bastard, but that doesn’t mean I approve of how you got that way.