My problem is that I fall in love with words, rather than actions. I fall in love with ideas and thoughts, instead of reality. And it will be the death of me.

Unknown (via punksnouis)

Every man who has ever fancied himself a writer owes his entire sexual history to this trait in women.

Cranky Old Man Shit: True

No matter your gender or proclivities, if at any time you feel the urge to sincerely use the word true immediately followed by any variation on the terms dom or sub, just stop. Just… don’t.

Instead, pause to consider that you wouldn’t know truth if it tied you up and fucked you with its big, cosmic dick. You may find that there’s more twixt heaven and perversity than is dreamt of in your self-righteous, half-baked little philosophy, and if you don’t, congratulations, you’re an idiot. Oh, and again… shut up.

(This goes double for you if you’re over the age of twenty-five. Hyperactive, unwarranted certainty is adorable on kids, tedious on young adults, and a justification for unexpected throat-punching on grown-ups.)

Or put more simply: you’re being a douche. Dial it back a few notches, ‘k?

Cranky Old Man Shit: Spellmaster

Dominate is a verb. It is a thing you do. Preferably with gusto. And choking sounds.

Dominant is an adjective that describes something about you or another person-ish noun. If you want to use it as a kinky term-of-art, then it can also function as a noun itself.

Jackass is someone who cannot distinguish between the two. Example: And then the jackass said, “I am a dominate male looking for slaves!”

TL;DR: if someone tells you (s)he’s a dominut, believe it.

Cranky Old Man Shit: Emotional Rescue


It’s starting to annoy me that people want to ‘save’ me. I can’t be saved, I’m past that. I can face the fact that I’m nothing but a worthless little cunt and that is all I will ever be. I will never be special and I don’t deserve to be. I deserve to be hurt and abused while you look down at me like I’m some kind of stray dog you feel sorry for. Please stop trying to ‘help’ me, you can’t.

littlepainslut gets it better than most. Having been a White Knight in a past life, I understand the urge to reach down and try to fix the broken things you encounter… but it’s better for everyone involved if you don’t.

First, because no matter what you do, she will ultimately “save” herself… or she won’t. People outside her skin can nurture, crush, support, or abuse her, but they can’t magically alter her own valuation of her fundamental, adult self. She has to *want* it, and if she does, she’ll ask for your help when she needs it. You won’t *impose* it on her, no matter how dominating your domination or theoretically pure your intentions.

Second, because who the hell decided she needs saving at all? Life is about developing coping mechanisms, and sometimes a girl is lucky or insightful enough to develop some that get her off. If you enjoy pushing her buttons, push them until she can barely walk straight, and enjoy the fireworks. Don’t waste everyone’s time trying to help her out of the maze in her mind, when exploring mazes is her favorite hobby.

Before you know it it’s 3 am and you’re 80 years old and you can’t remember what it was like to have 20 year old thoughts or a 10 year old heart.

This is the scariest fucking text post I’ve ever read (via fuckinq)

If it’s any consolation, most of your 20 year old thoughts will turn out to be incredibly stupid and best forgotten… but the few important ones will stick around as long as you need them.



I used to work at Hooters. Nothing like this ever happened though 🙁

You should have worked at the Fort Charlotte location. Apparently that’s where the action is.

The trailer parks of Florida are so full of former Hooters girls at this point that being late on the rent really requires them to go the extra mile. Possibly even across state lines… in the trunk.