About a month ago, a man I’d been in a sort of D/s relationship with for 3 months raped me…

I didn’t realize until after the assault, but he’d been really emotionally abusive and disrespectful of my consent throughout the entire relationship.

But I had been convinced our dynamic was good. I feel like I’m incapable of discerning gold from shit right now.

Read the rest “About a month ago, a man I’d been in a sort of D/s relationship with for 3 months raped me…”

Moving In

[TRIGGER WARNING: Don’t look now, but methinks Satan is already behind thee.]

“Oh, stop those stupid tears, Jeanette! Don’t you realize how fuckin’ lucky you are?

“So I fucked you. So what? You should thank me! That’s right, thank me! Look in a goddamned mirror, little girl; it’s not like there’s a long line of men, gonna wait around for a chance to get their hands on a disgusting thing like you!… Read the rest “Moving In”

I am a female sub and a feminist but I see a lot of blogs that make these two parts of me seem mutually exclusive…

And I am starting to believe they may actually be. I mean how can a person want to be ordered about sexually and still believe that women are equal to men. I don’t know, I wanted to hear another person’s opinion on the matter and see if I was going crazy

You aren’t a women; you’re an individual, not a collective.… Read the rest “I am a female sub and a feminist but I see a lot of blogs that make these two parts of me seem mutually exclusive…”

I recently got into a relationship with a guy who’s into orgasm denial…

A week into me agreeing to not cum for a month, I accidentally came once but I never told him and now a month’s gone by and he’s super proud of me but I know I don’t deserve it😖😖😖 I want to come clean but I’m scared and he’s so happy 🙁

You know, genuine contrition can be pleasing in its own way, particularly when it’s volunteered.… Read the rest “I recently got into a relationship with a guy who’s into orgasm denial…”

Is BDSM tumblr a short term or long term relationship site? Is it a lust or love game? My former students are on this hellsite and I have heard of only heartbreak stories.

I’m exclusively interested in the long-term, but I can’t speak for kink Tumblr in general… I occupy a very specific corner of it and seldom venture beyond my borders. Additionally, my perspective is further skewed because a lot of people turn to me for sanity-checks, so I hear more of the horror stories than the tales of blissful success.… Read the rest “Is BDSM tumblr a short term or long term relationship site? Is it a lust or love game? My former students are on this hellsite and I have heard of only heartbreak stories.”

Honest question. I know someone who calls themself a dominant. He’s extremely sadistic and that’s what I’m attracted to…

…but I’m smart enough to know when I’m being manipulated and I pick up hints and get bad vibes. I’m attached to him and every time I leave him he always talks me into coming back. He promises it’ll get better once I’m “trained” but for training he wants things that I’m not comfortable with at all and things that could get me in trouble.

Read the rest “Honest question. I know someone who calls themself a dominant. He’s extremely sadistic and that’s what I’m attracted to…”

I don’t swallow nor do I like the taste of it…

Heck I don’t even like my partner having to swallow my juices. But I always felt shamed because I don’t do it. Feel like maybe I am not as proper kinky as kink society deems it.

As someone who puts worse things than semen down girls’ throats, I would obviously be the wrong guy for you.… Read the rest “I don’t swallow nor do I like the taste of it…”