My bf and I were having sex, and we were trying a different position…

…that was a bit too intense for me. I tolerated is for as long as I could but when he got closer he was going faster and it hurt so I told him to stop and he said he was really close so I said our safe word(that we use for kinkier stuff) and he said “just hold on” and finished about 5 seconds after.

Read the rest “My bf and I were having sex, and we were trying a different position…”

my Daddy kept throwing me on the bed and covering my mouth during an argument. he raised his fist a couple times but didn’t hit me, he apologized after. he has done this several times. what should i do?

Okay, see, the tricky thing about these questions is that I don’t know where you’re coming from. What does “daddy” mean? Is this your soft, snuggly dom who normally slaps your behind and gets you off, who suddenly turns violent and angry in the heat of the moment?… Read the rest “my Daddy kept throwing me on the bed and covering my mouth during an argument. he raised his fist a couple times but didn’t hit me, he apologized after. he has done this several times. what should i do?”

My girlfriend’s dad heard me call my girlfriend a “bitch,” so he punched me. Is his behaviour justified?

It’s not justified; he shouldn’t be throwing punches.

But it is to be expected; something can be both unjustifiable and wholly predictable. Open disrespect may not be, in and of itself, an invitation to an ass-whooping, but it’s definitely working on the seating chart and auditioning DJs.… Read the rest “My girlfriend’s dad heard me call my girlfriend a “bitch,” so he punched me. Is his behaviour justified?”

favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)??

Hm. This will be difficult due to my expansive definition of “romantic”.

  • The first romantic comedy —and first conventionally romantic movie of any kind— on my ranked list of movies is Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing. I saw it in an almost-empty theater with three or other people in 1993, and loved every second.
Read the rest “favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)??”

I’m always curious….. I see lots of blogs with these kind of…like violent kinks…and I’m into it…

…but I always wonder, do you like vanilla stuff too?? Like I like getting slapped around as much as the next person, but sometimes I just want something a lil vanilla. I’m honestly pretty embarrassed to ask, but I was just curious if others felt the same or if kink is the only thing you like.

Read the rest “I’m always curious….. I see lots of blogs with these kind of…like violent kinks…and I’m into it…”

i feel used and unloved by my bf after sex. it’s been 2 years since we are together and it has been around 2 years since we have sex.

The problem is that when we have rough sex I feel used every time when we are done and I don’t know why I can’t orgasm either. When the sex is more gentle I feel loved and I can reach an orgasm.

Read the rest “i feel used and unloved by my bf after sex. it’s been 2 years since we are together and it has been around 2 years since we have sex.”


1. The Year of Our Lord, 1894

“Welcome to E.S. Holton’s!” said the druggist, his demeanor bright and cheerful. “How may I help you?”

Constance noticed the way he seemed to make an exaggerated point of setting aside the ledger he’d been updating as she stepped through the pharmacy’s door; he immediately closed the book, carefully rotated it ninety degrees upon the polished countertop, and using the fingertips of both hands, deliberately slid it out of sight behind a stack of unlabeled boxes.… Read the rest “Mudgett”