


we tried ordering breakfast and all I have to say is that i don’t know what material this is but it is not a pancake :(( they should be thin!! n have crispy edges!! not this insulting puffy flavorless cardboard substance

Okay, those look mediocre… but don’t give me any of this “thin, crispy edges” shit.

Read the rest “”

I’m so sad because all the men want a girl with a pretty face and I’m just plain ol ugly. I guess I’ll have to make do with the men with lower standards

Aw, pookie! First, you’re the last person I’d trust to determine if you’re ugly. None of you girls can see clearly into a mirror.

And even if you are aesthetically unsatisfying, I assure you that there are men out there who aren’t even vaguely interested in whatever you have going on above your neck.… Read the rest “I’m so sad because all the men want a girl with a pretty face and I’m just plain ol ugly. I guess I’ll have to make do with the men with lower standards”


He wants to leave. You can feel it. That’s why you’re here, living this moment, feeling your body slipping away from you. This is the price.

Daddy left you when you were eight, and never even said goodbye. Truth is, even before he left, he hardly said anything at all; when he was around, it was usually to hound Mommy for sex she refused to supply in exchange for money he didn’t have.… Read the rest “Patterns”

I’m going through my archives for stuff I haven’t reblogged in a while and stumbled across a five year old ask that includes this question:

“don’t you want to help those girls instead of ejaculate on them?”

It still makes me smile.

“Evolution Revolution Love” — Tricky

Okay, first, how can this song be 18 years old? An entire generation has grown up in that time… way to make me feel old, guys.

Second, I don’t think we really appreciated how much the low resolution and color bleeding of CRT televisions helped make the visual effects of the era effective… the face-changing thing from this video looked a little less goofy when you couldn’t make out the details.