You wanna step into my world

It’s a sociopsychotic state of bliss

You’ve been delayed in the real world

How many times have you hit and missed?

Your CAT scan shows disfiguration

I want to laugh myself to death

With a misfired synapse

With a bent configuration

I’ll hold the line while you gasp for breath

You want to talk to me?

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Me: Stupid sandman, shooting his stuff all over girls’ eyes in their sleep!

Her: …don’t sexualize the sandman! That’s like sexualizing the toothfairy or leprechauns or the Easter bunny!!

Me: Now I’m thinking about a gang-bang where a leprechaun tries to jam a pot of gold up your hoo-hah as the Easter bunny rabbit-fucks your face, knocking out a tooth that the tooth fairy pops in his mouth so he can lick it while he masturbates.… Read the rest “”


When considered alongside you tiny titans of the touchscreen, I’m an amateur with emojis. I have only recently figured out what the fuck 🙌 is supposed to be, for example, and I’m so mystified by the intricately shaded messages implied by all of the heart-based emojis that when I receive one, I just file it under “someone wants to lick my brain, dick, or ass” and leave the particulars as a mystery to unfold.… Read the rest “”