What is your opinion on people in D/s or kinky relationships that don’t use…

What is your opinion on people in D/s or kinky relationships that don’t use a safeword?





If they know what they’re doing, and know the questions they should be asking… then I don’t think anything.

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What is your opinion on people in D/s or kinky relationships that don’t use…

What is your opinion on people in D/s or kinky relationships that don’t use a safeword?


If they know what they’re doing, and know the questions they should be asking… then I don’t think anything. Well-informed adults can do well-informed adult things.

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I like asking you simple stuff cause I always wanna see if you twist…

I like asking you simple stuff cause I always wanna see if you twist the question or make it more meaningful somehoe (you usually do and it’s great)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

What are you trying to imply? What? Answer me, you fucking bitch.… Read the rest “I like asking you simple stuff cause I always wanna see if you twist…”


hey? Don’t message me trying to flirt if you literally have “won’t buy content.” or similar in your bio. Pay for your porn. Also fuck you 🫶🏻

I love the implication, that some poor, worn-down fucker is just deluged with requests for money every time he talks to someone around here.… Read the rest “”

I lost my job earlier this week and I’ve had several extremely strong orgasms…

I lost my job earlier this week and I’ve had several extremely strong orgasms thinking about you condescendingly assuaging/prodding at my embarassment over the whole situation. I’ll be okay materially but it’s the first time I’ve ever been let go from a job that wasn’t seasonal and my fantasy life is really helping pick up the psychological slack, and I find that you take up more real estate there than I realized.

Read the rest “I lost my job earlier this week and I’ve had several extremely strong orgasms…”

I hope this isn’t a strange question for you but as someone who is…

Hi.. I hope this isn’t a strange question for you but as someone who is poly, how many girls/guys would you like to serve you?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

“Serve” is a many-splendored thing.

How many girls do I want bound to me and sharing my space?… Read the rest “I hope this isn’t a strange question for you but as someone who is…”

Is there such thing as too desperate for your attention? Doesn’t anything annoy you?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

When it comes to the “clamoring for attention” phase, the line most frequently crossed is entitlement. I have no patience for it.

You’d be amazed how many girls think that a flash of tit, some semi-articulate babbling about pain, and “I’m nineteen” are somehow going to magically get them ushered backstage to meet the metaphorical band… and some even have the gall to be offended when I am wholly disinterested.… Read the rest “Is there such thing as too desperate for your attention? Doesn’t anything annoy you?”

Would you or have you ever played D&D?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

True story. When I was twelve, I took all the money I earned in a summer working for my dad to buy the D&D Basic and Expert sets, several Basic and AD&D modules, and a bookshelf full of the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, Fiend Folio, and Deities & Demigods.Read the rest “Would you or have you ever played D&D?”

Is it possible to have both a praise kink and a degradation kink simultaneously?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Is it possible to have both a praise kink and a degradation kink simultaneously?

Possible? More like “expected”. There are certainly some girls who just want to be worthless pieces of shit, but most want to at least be *daddy’s* piece of shit.… Read the rest “Is it possible to have both a praise kink and a degradation kink simultaneously?”