RE: the intensity of his feelings

That’s a tricky one. On the one hand, it could be sincere… individual girls often awaken interests and urges within me, so it’s possible you’ve stirred things inside him that he doesn’t know how to process. He might not know how to be the sort of man that he will inevitably become for you.

On the other hand, it does feel a bit like a romanticized “it’s not you, it’s me” routine.

RE: love for me can only ever be broken

There’s a difference between what can be, and what you expect. If you don’t aspire to “sweet normal steady even love”, that’s okay. If something weirder and fucked-up feels right, that’s great. You need to find your joy in the life you’ve chosen, and if that means embracing happiness and belonging and arousal from being less, so be it.

But love is complicated and unpredictable, so don’t be too hasty to declare “only ever”. Life can surprise you.

RE: it was really out of nowhere

The first step in turning this tragedy in to a tutorial is interrogating that comment. It’s possible that it truly came “out of nowhere”, but that would mean your guy is a world-class manipulative bag of dicks who actively hid his intentions out of complete indifference to your humanity… or you missed some stuff.

RE: all I want is him

You want more than that.

You want to be accepted by someone who can accept himself.

Don’t settle for less.

Anonymous asked:

Do your girls qualify as your partners then?

 They’re my family and my property.

So in terms of “partners”, let’s just say they’re minority shareholders.

Anonymous asked:

What happened???? Do you know why you got deleted?

I don’t know for sure —Tumblr doesn’t give you details when they nuke you— but it looks like a confluence of multiple things:

  1. I posted a close-up of a bruise on Blossom’s butt. (GASP!)
  2. One of her fragile-flower followers told Tumblr I was “promoting violence”.
  3. The fragile-flower got lucky and her complaint ended up in front of someone who didn’t consider context or history and pulled the trigger.

I suspect I’ll get it back —it was good enough for Tumblr for a literal decade— but it might take a while.

I had an answer to this queued for today, but that’s gone now, so…

I don’t have a single favorite memory. But I have a bunch of things that stand out.

  1. Exploring the NOMA and discovering that Blossom is a dead-ringer for the cherubs and babies depicted in every Renaissance painting.
  2. Snuggling on the bed with all the girls, seeing Pinky dissolve into sobs as she pleaded with me to give her more smacks, and observing the indulgent, beatific smiles of the others as they watched me fulfill the request.
  3. Hooking the TENS up to Puddles and listening to her howl like a caged animal when I applied the full power of two AA batteries to her thighs. She acted like she was being stabbed by a thousand tiny needles. (Please note that the others all shrugged and said “Huh, that feels weird” when given similar treatment. So it’s just possible Puddles is a drama queen.)
  4. A local, to Button: “Look at you, dressed up like a babydoll!” Button, to me: “Well, I am a babydoll.”
  5. The alligator po-boy at Napoleon House was a delightful surprise. The Tobasco jelly really elevated it.
  6. Standing on the porch of the Airbnb and enjoying the rainstorm.
  7. Watching Button’s expression as I casually wiped powdered sugar from Blossom’s boobs in the middle of Cafe Du Monde.
  8. Passing a forkful of gator sausage down the table to Puddles, and seeing her exchange six years of meatless existence for six seconds of my grin.
  9. The way Pinky tried to steal kisses every time I tucked her into bed.
  10. Laughing as Blossom took a giant hit off my vape and made the neighborhood quake with a coughing fit that had her hovering between puking and passing out.
  11. Despite Gordon Ramsay’s decade-old warnings, Oceana’s food is actually good. The blackened redfish is great, while the bread pudding was merely okay… I’d call it above-average, overall.
  12. We learned that if a houseful of people all stand over a girl on the toilet, she might forget how to pee. Even if the girl is question is a well-known urine aficionado.

Tell us more about the gathering!!!! How did you get those bruises?

Tell us more about the gathering!!!! How did you get those bruises?


Dada beat me with his belt, and was nice enough to turn the buckle on me 🙇‍♀️ the first night I was a screaming wuss, but the few times after that I was asking for more.

The gathering in general was a whirlwind of coziness, comfort, fear, humiliation, pain, love, and belonging

RE: Dad’s belt

In fairness to Blossom, the real screaming wuss showed up on Wednesday.

RE: a whirlwind of coziness, comfort, fear, humiliation, pain, love, and belonging

And that’s just from me introducing you to The OA.


“I’d rather never cum again than have to wait, it would be so much easier”


“Like I’d rather know I’ll never cum ever again than have to blindly wait for the next time, over and over… never again is so much easier.”

“And that’s exactly why I don’t deal in never again.”


Look, even if I told you “never again”, I would just wait for an opportune moment to make you cum anyway and thus remind you:

  1. that your body doesn’t belong to you
  2. that your expectations and ease are irrelevant
  3. that denial isn’t denial if you’ve forgotten what’s been denied.


hastily clicking my phone off and hiding it under the covers every time Dad walks past the slightly ajar bedroom door after he’s tucked me in wasn’t a sensation I was ever expecting to feel again but here we are 🙈

Clearly I need to be taking away your phone at bedtime…

Did blossom really eat chicken?

Did blossom really eat chicken?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Of course! Blossom eats chicken all the time… she had her first Chikfila last week, and laid waste to a plate of tendies at Chili’s a few days ago.

So I’m assuming you mean Puddles. And no, Puddles didn’t eat chicken.

She ate alligator.

Because it’s cute, watching a vegetarian play at being an apex predator.