A Sinister Proposal

You know what’s missing from this kink scene? The one immutable characteristic of a woman that no one takes the time and artisanal pride to degrade with any enthusiasm?

We need more southpaw-shaming.

How many of you left-handed perverts are out there, rubbing your clits counter-clockwise or some weird shit, trying to be little but realizing you still can’t cut construction paper like a normal four year old, and turning your hand into a crab claw so you can scribble your deepest, darkest, most awkward, and klutzy thoughts into your dream journal?… Read the rest “A Sinister Proposal”

You remind me of my real father, yet I still want to call you Daddy. It goes through my mind, what if you are him? What if I’ve played with myself and cum to my fathers blog. By then what if you aren’t? How will I know? Daddy, is that you?

[CONTENT NOTE: Here be dragons.]

Come in here and sit down. Right goddamned now!

Move, or I swear to fucking Christ— *finally*. Sit.

I don’t— Jesus. Just… Jesus. How— how do I do this? You’re—

No— shut up. Shut the fuck up.… Read the rest “You remind me of my real father, yet I still want to call you Daddy. It goes through my mind, what if you are him? What if I’ve played with myself and cum to my fathers blog. By then what if you aren’t? How will I know? Daddy, is that you?”

Why must a woman be modest to be respected?

An excellent question. Why is modesty so revered? I maintain that a modest girl should have the same opportunity to be disrespected as anyone else.

Do you people have any idea how many creepy, evil-minded, clit-obsessed little perverts are out there right now, shrouded head-to-toe in eight layers of black-on-black fabric that they’ll tell you is fashion, but is really just a wall of goth clichés they’ve constructed to obscure the public view of their sickness?… Read the rest “Why must a woman be modest to be respected?”

I watched ‘The OA’ today on your suggestion, and I have so much to say. It is such an amazing show. Yet all my brain keeps going to is the dark terrible things that could be done to me in that basement. Any way I can request to get some validation that I’m not more broken than everyone else? If not that validation then consolation and encouragement to explore it?

You’re sick. The OA is a thoughtful, modern fairytale about life and death, not some demented fantasy playground for a self-involved slut with a masturbation addiction and a penchant for ritual abuse. I’d tell you to be ashamed of yourself, but I suspect that kind of thing would just make it worse.… Read the rest “I watched ‘The OA’ today on your suggestion, and I have so much to say. It is such an amazing show. Yet all my brain keeps going to is the dark terrible things that could be done to me in that basement. Any way I can request to get some validation that I’m not more broken than everyone else? If not that validation then consolation and encouragement to explore it?”

“Same Auld Ang Syne” — Dan Fogelberg

It was kind of cool, stumbling across this piece about Same Old Lang Syne. I wonder how many people have stories about how they discovered that particular song?

For me, I found it via an ex, around ‘92. It was winter, and our years-long relationship was almost over; it would have died naturally by the New Year, but as luck would have it, diamond jewelry has a way of dragging things out, and we survived until February.… Read the rest ““Same Auld Ang Syne” — Dan Fogelberg”

Go through your collection of photos, and count how many times you’ve been photographed pointlessly flipping off the camera.

Multiply that number by ten, and you will have the approximate number of times I’d like to slap you for being such a clichéd piece of trash.

The Daily Dad — 2024-08-09

Things you might want to know:

Read the rest “The Daily Dad — 2024-08-09”