Is a relationship between a 19 year old (me) and a guy in his 30s wrong?

Is it wrong, by default? Of course not. You’re a kid from my perspective, but so is he… objectively, you’re both adults. With that said, it could definitely go wrong, if you’re not careful… the pitfalls are many. You’re at different stages of life, his personal development —while not as frenetic as your own— is still steaming ahead at a good clip, you probably have an at best tenuous grasp on your own desires and motivations, and so on.… Read the rest “Is a relationship between a 19 year old (me) and a guy in his 30s wrong?”

Who’s prettier Natalie Portman or Margot Robbie?

Neither is really my type, but I suppose it’s Natalie. I don’t really think of Margot as a beauty… she’s just a photogenic actor.

Now, which one is better? That’s a good question. Natalie’s resume is padded with stuff she did as a kid, when her work was significantly more sophisticated than her peers.… Read the rest “Who’s prettier Natalie Portman or Margot Robbie?”

The New Mutants


So, wait… that is the Marvel movie that Fox re-shot and buried for a year? Say what now?

The New Mutants is far from great; the casting is flawed in places, they tried to stir a couple incongruous romances into the mix, two-fifths of the cast are superheroically superfluous, and it’s probably impossible to really know what’s happening if you’re not watching it with a moldering old man who bought the first 75 issues of the comic off a spinner rack in the ‘80s.… Read the rest “The New Mutants”

Oldest person you’ve been with?

Oldest person you’ve been with?

That would be impolite to say exactly… but the oldest would be my current age, and the oldest relative-to-me-at-the-time was seven years my elder. Although if you want to count “made out and felt her up in public while her husband was in prison” as “been with”, then the biggest relative gap was 16 years.… Read the rest “Oldest person you’ve been with?”

Oldest person you’ve been with?

That would be impolite to say exactly… but the oldest would be my current age, and the oldest relative-to-me-at-the-time was seven years my elder. Although if you want to count “made out and felt her up in public while her husband was in prison” as “been with”, then the biggest relative gap was 16 years.… Read the rest “Oldest person you’ve been with?”

Any Wednesday (1966)

From my “shit you people have never heard of” list:

Released in 1966, Any Wednesday was already old by the time I saw it as a kid. One of our local TV station managers apparently felt that he needed to squeeze every dime from the licensing fee he paid for the movie, because he ran it in the afternoon, every Saturday for a month.… Read the rest “Any Wednesday (1966)”

Stuff I’m Watching

  • Upstart Crow: My new Favorite Thing; thank you, British Television Industry, for giving me this gift. A winking, retro-sitcom reimagining of Shakespeare’s life, it turns Will into a harried-but-dedicated family man with a horrible London-to-Stratford commute, Christopher Marlow into a gregarious, talentless, heterosexual rake who occasionally rips off Will’s work, and Robert Green into a high-born, officious, Elizabethan derivative of Sallieri from Amadeus.
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Chain Link (part 2)

[CONTENT NOTE: I’m thinking this one’s going to three, possibly four parts.]

Another day, another street, another step I didn’t know I’d taken.

Sara was on the phone, and had been for the full ten minutes we’d been walking. She hadn’t bothered to tell me who was calling, but I’d inferred from her half of the conversation that it was her father.… Read the rest “Chain Link (part 2)”