The Daily Dad — 2025-08-08

Things you might want to know:

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Anonymous asked:

Could you do 1998? 👉🏼👈🏼 If you don’t mind

My memories are sharpest every other decade… so the 20teens, the ‘90s, and the ‘70s meant the most to me. And ‘98 was a fairly interesting year.

  • “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
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My 1999:

  • Waitresses had been calling me “sir” for at least a few years at that point.
  • My first gray hairs were sprouting.
  • I was building a blogging engine for the BDSM community I operated. And migrating the whole community platform from a custom —and horrifically inefficient— flat-file XML database to a slightly faster Access backend.
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What. What is the issue with Firefox, if you care to share?

What. What is the issue with Firefox, if you care to share?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Even when I used it as a daily-driver, I’ve always disliked Firefox. Being able to extensively customize the UI made up for many faults, but it stayed clunky even as the Chromium browsers roared ahead in performance and rendering hegemony.… Read the rest “What. What is the issue with Firefox, if you care to share?”

Hi Mr. B,First time caller, long time listener, occasional visitor to your lovely live…

Hi Mr. B,

First time caller, long time listener, occasional visitor to your lovely live stream.

I mentioned to my therapist that I sometimes join your broadcast on bad days, and she had already heard of you … many times.

You are well known among therapists as well as broken girls, apparently.

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I love him a lot. I wish he loved me like I love him.

Some people need symmetrical love… or at least the plausible appearance of it. I hope your wish comes true.

If he’s anything like me, though? He may love you in ways that make you feel safer and more purposeful and better understood than you’ve ever been in your life, but it’ll never be anything like your love for him.… Read the rest “”