Once a year, on one of those shitty nights, I always get to see…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Once a year, on one of those sad… shitty nights, I always get to see a falling star and I make a little wish. I know it’s not real, it’s just fun. But I’d like to save the next one for you and ofcourse your family to get some better days.… Read the rest “Once a year, on one of those shitty nights, I always get to see…”

have u ever made genuine relationships from ur tumblr? i find most people are…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

have u ever made genuine relationships from ur tumblr? i find most people are fakes :c

I’m always a little surprised at questions like this, because I’ve made a number of genuine relationships here that have lasted over many years.… Read the rest “have u ever made genuine relationships from ur tumblr? i find most people are…”

Do you like Halloween? Do you do anything special like watch some horror movies or you don’t really mind it?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I have lo these many decades lived with a Halloween fetishist, whose festive kink I enthusiastically shame. I don’t actually hate the concept of the day, honestly, but needling a witchy-leaning girl about Halloween is the functional equivalent of telling a Catholic girl all the ways Jesus was kind of an asshole… watching their little faces twist up is a sight not to be missed.

Can you give us a run down of what happens when we call a safeword? What’s the aftercare actually like?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

You say that as if a safeword is essentially a demand to exit the dynamic. In the reality of intimate relationships —as opposed to play-party scenes or random hookups— 90% of the time it simply means “I can’t feel my leg and I’m going to need a doctor if I don’t shift my position ASAP” or “if you keep pushing that emotional button today, you’re going to hurt me more than you realize.”… Read the rest “Can you give us a run down of what happens when we call a safeword? What’s the aftercare actually like?”

Is a relationship between a 19 year old (me) and a guy in his 30s wrong?

Is it wrong, by default? Of course not. You’re a kid from my perspective, but so is he… objectively, you’re both adults. With that said, it could definitely go wrong, if you’re not careful… the pitfalls are many. You’re at different stages of life, his personal development —while not as frenetic as your own— is still steaming ahead at a good clip, you probably have an at best tenuous grasp on your own desires and motivations, and so on.… Read the rest “Is a relationship between a 19 year old (me) and a guy in his 30s wrong?”