So I am new and my dom wanted to do anal. I told him that I do not do anal due to past trauma, and he told me that was stupid but he dropped the subject. Then a week later he had me tied up and was making jokes about how it would be easy to fuck my ass if he wanted to and I couldn’t stop him. I asked him to stop making jokes and then he tried to push into my ass as I was screaming my safe word… He got angry that I safeworded and I haven’t heard from him in a week… Did I do something wrong..?

  1. My little corner of the universe probably isn’t the best place for a newbie to be seeking counsel. I hope you’re also getting input from people who don’t traffic in blurred lines and tightrope walking.
  2. Let’s put the “no anal” limit aside for a moment.
Read the rest “So I am new and my dom wanted to do anal. I told him that I do not do anal due to past trauma, and he told me that was stupid but he dropped the subject. Then a week later he had me tied up and was making jokes about how it would be easy to fuck my ass if he wanted to and I couldn’t stop him. I asked him to stop making jokes and then he tried to push into my ass as I was screaming my safe word… He got angry that I safeworded and I haven’t heard from him in a week… Did I do something wrong..?”

What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?And two that you love?

There’s nothing unique to the feminine that annoys me.

But things I love?

  1. The sensory experience of them. They delight on every physical level. (“Don’t say I look delicious, that’s gross.” Bitch, you look like you’d taste good if I bit you… deal with it.
Read the rest “What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?And two that you love?”

omg 90 day fiancé is like the worst most entertaining reality show!! who’s your favourite couple?

If you want to examine the ugliest and/or weirdest parts of human behavior, and how that behavior —and your perception of it— can be manipulated in ways both subtle and ham-fisted, the various 90 Day Fiancé shows are essential viewing.

The Good

Annie & David: Yes, David is a giant prick when he’s drunk, but he dotes on her when he’s sober… and he damned well should, ‘cause Annie is the sweetest, sunniest angel on earth.… Read the rest “omg 90 day fiancé is like the worst most entertaining reality show!! who’s your favourite couple?”

Your self confidence is so great it repels and attracts me, because it’s almost like you really don’t give a shit. It’s awful but delicious.

You’re mistaking my weary surrender to inevitability for self-confidence.

I pretty much loathe everything about me, but for some bizarre reason, girls adore all the things I hate about myself. I’ve simply realized —after many, many years— that it’s dumb to keep debating them about it; I’m fortunate to be surrounded by people who see a great deal more in me than I naturally see in the mirror, and it is a disservice to us all for me to ignore them in an effort to cater to my native neuroses and someone else’s sense of propriety.… Read the rest “Your self confidence is so great it repels and attracts me, because it’s almost like you really don’t give a shit. It’s awful but delicious.”

Ever gotten road head?




Because I saw something in 1982 that scarred me for life.

That clip doesn’t make what happens clear —it’s made explicit in a later scene— but you can figure it out. So no road-head for me.

Oh, and speaking of The World According To Garp… the vast majority of you have never heard of it, but you must watch it sometime.… Read the rest “Ever gotten road head?”

I have good enjoyable sex with my partner but when they try to make me cum afterwards, they often fall asleep or get tired and it makes me insecure.. how can I discuss it with them? Should I just accept that they’re not interested in that?

Many thoughts:

  • There’s nothing wrong with being a self-centered prick in bed, if that’s the dynamic everyone’s expecting. But it sounds like you’re not on that page, so this guy is just being an indifferent asshole. You need to deal with that, ASAP.
Read the rest “I have good enjoyable sex with my partner but when they try to make me cum afterwards, they often fall asleep or get tired and it makes me insecure.. how can I discuss it with them? Should I just accept that they’re not interested in that?”

Please excuse my question, I’m sort of new to this side of humanity… But when you speak of punching girls in the face/stomach, you’re saying it just for the fuck of it, right? You don’t actually physically punch women to hurt them, right?

I actually physically punch masochists to create a sloppy mess between their legs, after they’ve literally begged me for such treatment over a period of many months. Or more often than not, years.

I am notoriously difficult to persuade.

Do you think you’re important just because you’re famous on a website? You wouldn’t have met half the girls that are drooling over you irl

I think I’m important —to the very limited extent I think that— because people tell me and show me that I’m important to them.

Can you imagine that? Being told by a different person every day that you’re loved, that they dream of you?… Read the rest “Do you think you’re important just because you’re famous on a website? You wouldn’t have met half the girls that are drooling over you irl”