What are your thoughts on Lana Del Rey?

Back in 2012, I had no intention of ever listening to a single note of a Lana Del Rey song. I’d read all the mocking headlines from her debut appearance on SNL, and had completely written her off.

But I still had an Entertainment Weekly subscription back then, and as I flipped to the music reviews, my eye was drawn to the piece about Born To Die.… Read the rest “What are your thoughts on Lana Del Rey?”

What are your thoughts on abortion? Would you say you are ‘pro choice’ or ‘pro life’

This question seems strange to me… I’m like, “Really? It isn’t obvious?” Which is probably unfair, but still, I’m surprised anyone would think there’s even a chance I’d be pro-life.

So let me quickly bring you up to speed on my political views:

* Abortion is fine.… Read the rest “What are your thoughts on abortion? Would you say you are ‘pro choice’ or ‘pro life’”

Untitled Umberto Eco Fanfic

[Just a taste of something I’ve been working on. I’m not really into aping other writers’ vibes, but hey, E.L. James is rich and I’m not.]

Giovanni was a humble man, made of humble stuff. Accidents of birth had left his form misshapen, his gait unsteady, and his mind disordered, but he persisted through these vicissitudes and more, with one bulging eye always trained upon tomorrow and its myriad opportunities.… Read the rest “Untitled Umberto Eco Fanfic”

Someone asked if I have any thoughts on the Weinstein fallout, and the answer is: oh fuck *yes* I have thoughts. So, so many. I’m just not sure what I want to do with them.

I’ve got a half-written post where I speculate about a subterranean cultural connection between the rise of *Girls Gone Wild* and the #metoo explosion, there’s a long list of things I want to say to men in general about not being complete fucksticks all the goddamned time, I have a little side-rant about the manspreading cock-goblin that sat next to Lady Macbedtime on the bus yesterday and proceeded to play with himself all the way to their destination, I can go on at length about the Roy Moores of this world and what it’s like to grow up among them, and I can finally explain why I never connected with the work of Louis C.K.… Read the rest “”