How do you manage multiple relationships, including your girls/sisters, online chats, live in partners…

How do you manage multiple relationships, including your girls/sisters, online chats, live in partners at the same time? Making sure everyone needs are fulfilled relationship wise if you’re their main partner, managing jealously, managing your own self care/well being and time to yourself?

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The Daily Dad

Things you might want to know, for Jul 7, 2023:

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celebsinlingerie:Olivia Munn I watched Attack of the Doc last night, and was stunned at…

celebsinlingerie:Olivia Munn I watched Attack of the Doc last night, and was stunned at…


Olivia Munn

I watched Attack of the Doc last night, and was stunned at how many Attack of the Show clips were instantly familiar… I’m guessing I didn’t miss a single episode for the first four or five years.… Read the rest “celebsinlingerie:Olivia Munn I watched Attack of the Doc last night, and was stunned at…”

when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it…

when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it has or that you’d one day control the lives of many, have global reach, be the overlord of multiple living breathing human beings, and the founder of a cult-lite made up of who knows how many dedicated and adoring fans, all who found you through a shitty blogging website?

Read the rest “when you were younger, did you ever imagine the internet growing the way it…”

I seen this post on twitter that said “if you as a woman pay…

I seen this post on twitter that said “if you as a woman pay to get in the club, you are ugly” is that true?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I have no idea.

But I will say that ugly women suck dick for drinks too, and tend to still be available at 3am… that’s not the sort of clientele most clubs want to turn away.… Read the rest “I seen this post on twitter that said “if you as a woman pay…”