I tried to find you and couldn’t, started to freak out and then realized…

…I was typing it wrong. Well I’m glad it was just me being stupid and not your blog getting nuked

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I have before beheld such a bubble-brained breakdown of basic recall… I don’t know what the learned diagnosis might be, but I like to think of it as temporary dumbnesia.… Read the rest “I tried to find you and couldn’t, started to freak out and then realized…”

So technically speaking, you’re build a doll house for the future.

How many girls are you planning to take on and are you able to handle that insane amount of emotional output as you keep collecting wayward girls?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

How many? Ideally?

Somewhere between this asshole:

…and this asshole:

Bear in mind that my “doll house” would be a weed farm, and one can always use an extra set of hands in the grow rooms.

I am sure you have noticed it too. 90% of your asks are anonymous…

What’s your theory behind it? Is it because these people have non-porn blog and don’t want to be associated with a nsfw blog, let alone one like yours (I mean that in a good way)? Is it because they are intimidated by your intelligent, deviant and sometimes brutal answers?

Read the rest “I am sure you have noticed it too. 90% of your asks are anonymous…”

This was my first camera, part of Kodak’s ill-fated attempt to clone Polaroid’s self-developing film. They were sued for a fortune and lost… ended up having to send everyone rebates when they took the cameras off the market.

The funny thing was how lame the competition really was.… Read the rest “”

On the one hand, it’s nice when someone reblogs my oldest stuff and I’m like, “Oh yeah, I used to be Porn Caption Guy!”

Then I realize how many of those posts are flagged and I’m glad I stopped being Caption Guy.

You wanna step into my world

It’s a sociopsychotic state of bliss

You’ve been delayed in the real world

How many times have you hit and missed?

Your CAT scan shows disfiguration

I want to laugh myself to death

With a misfired synapse

With a bent configuration

I’ll hold the line while you gasp for breath

You want to talk to me?

Read the rest “”