Thoughts on consentually fucking or giving oral to your partner and them to you…

Thoughts on consentually fucking or giving oral to your partner and them to you while asleep


I want to be left alone while sleeping. Go a hump a pillow, you hyperactive twat.

And it seems to me that if she can sleep through a sex act, I’m doing something wrong.

Read the rest “Thoughts on consentually fucking or giving oral to your partner and them to you…”

Do you own anything from other countries?

Do you own anything from other countries?


The Artist Formerly Known As Idiot the Younger brought back gifts from her trip to Australia, so I’ve got a candle holder with a kangaroo cutout, a boomerang with kangaroos painted on it, and an empty jerky box that once contained, well… for the sake of sensitive souls, we won’t go into what kind of jerky the box contained.

Read the rest “Do you own anything from other countries?”

How would you go about adding a new girl to your harem, if you…

How would you go about adding a new girl to your harem, if you ever wanted to? Everyone is so tight knit, any new additions must be very intimidated 🫠

RE: how?

The same way I added the old ones… I’d beneficently accept her fangirlish enthusiasm as her devotion to me slowly developed and she was forced by her own yearning to progressively expose her body and soul until there’s nothing left to show and everything to give.… Read the rest “How would you go about adding a new girl to your harem, if you…”

You talk about your coworker’s husbands hating you. I’m taking this as you being…

You talk about your coworker’s husbands hating you. I’m taking this as you being generally charming and attractive (or maybe you got incredibly lucky and chanced upon a den of very good girls). Do you have any advice for being like that?

Read the rest “You talk about your coworker’s husbands hating you. I’m taking this as you being…”

hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about…

hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about my betterment, takes me on as his protégé, truly cares about me, and who i can tell is holding himself back from taking my holes by the last little thread of his own morals…

how do i get him to snap that thread?… Read the rest “hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about…”

You didn’t enjoy Paddington 2?! Re: Hugh grant reference, of not enjoying any performances…

You didn’t enjoy Paddington 2?! Re: Hugh grant reference, of not enjoying any performances beyond Four Weddings.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I spent a few minutes with IMDB, and turns out, Hugh Grant was in three movies that I hold in some esteem:

  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Sirens
  • …and a personal favorite: Restoration

That last one had everything: a cocaine-era RDJ, Sam Neil being alternatively mischievous and malevolent, David Thewlis being intense and kinda awkward, Polly Walker being hot, Meg Ryan being… present.… Read the rest “You didn’t enjoy Paddington 2?! Re: Hugh grant reference, of not enjoying any performances…”

how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally

how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally

(submitted by: m1nd0fm1ne)

Older men don’t comprise a monolithic hive-mind. I know this corner of Kinkville loves talking about people as if they all slot into convenient, easily described groups —all small, weak girls are X, all big, strong men are Y!—… Read the rest “how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally”