Broken girl here! What do I do if I’m interested in older married man…

Broken girl here! What do I do if I’m interested in older married man who’s daughter looks just like me ?

“So you never wanted to do this before?”

“Maybe. A little.”

“With me? Or… with her?”


“Maybe what? Which?”Read the rest “Broken girl here! What do I do if I’m interested in older married man…”

Do you ever want girls to feel physical pleasure when you fuck them? I…

Do you ever want girls to feel physical pleasure when you fuck them? I get the impression that it’s all about your pleasure and their suffering and pain. You’ve even talked about how you’ll only go down on a girl if she hates it, and how if she loves it you will make her hate it

(submitted by: Anonymous)

A little over a month ago, I had three different girls squirming and squeaking and squealing through their respective orgasms while holding my hand, humping my foot, and perched on my knee.… Read the rest “Do you ever want girls to feel physical pleasure when you fuck them? I…”

I showed one of the guys I’m talking to some posts of yours and…

I showed one of the guys I’m talking to some posts of yours and told him how you’re like one of my number one tumblr crushes and how much I hated you.

He proceeded to make me admit you’re correct and then said “I like this guy, he’s got a good head on his shoulders”

Now I’m pouting.

Read the rest “I showed one of the guys I’m talking to some posts of yours and…”

Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting…

Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting in every girl’s head so intimately, getting to know every inch of them, can you really keep up with even the ones that catch your eye?



(submitted by: Anonymous)

I used to worry about it all the time!

Read the rest “Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting…”

Dear, Mr. Bedtime,I know you don’t care, but that only makes it easier to…

Dear, Mr. Bedtime,

I know you don’t care, but that only makes it easier to tell you. You are a beautiful blustery beach with coarse, stinking sand into which I can trace out these words, a canvas only more enticing for for the fact that I know the next thought through your head, however mundane, will be the black tides that wipe my words away.

Read the rest “Dear, Mr. Bedtime,I know you don’t care, but that only makes it easier to…”