How would you educate someone about D/s dynamics and BDSM to potentially get them…

How would you educate someone about D/s dynamics and BDSM to potentially get them on board and giving it a go. I’ve tried talking to my husband about it multiple times but he’s closed minded and thinks it’s a bunch of guys with anger issues ‘smacking around’ girls with daddy issues.

Read the rest “How would you educate someone about D/s dynamics and BDSM to potentially get them…”

I really feel like I’m just going to die without you

I really feel like I’m just going to die without you

(submitted by: Anonymous)

No you’re not. None of you self-loathing little fucks are getting off that easy. I forbid it.

You have to live. I’m old, and you are what I will one day leave behind to remember me and sing my praises.… Read the rest “I really feel like I’m just going to die without you”

i’m obsessed w you and hope you’re having an amazing day ily

i’m obsessed w you and hope you’re having an amazing day 💖 ily

(submitted by: princessyd)

Just because you sit in a chat room with other girls and listen for hours while a weird old man pontificates about irrelevancies and reads a bedtime story or two, that doesn’t make you obse—

Well, okay, fair enough.… Read the rest “i’m obsessed w you and hope you’re having an amazing day ily”

What types of clothing/styles do you like on girls?Skirts, fitted dresses, thigh highs(socks/boots) heels,ect?

What types of clothing/styles do you like on girls?

Skirts, fitted dresses, thigh highs(socks/boots) heels,ect?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Speaking as an imperious old white dude, I’m better at telling you what I don’t like than what I do, and the list will include shit that randomly pissed me off in 1993.… Read the rest “What types of clothing/styles do you like on girls?Skirts, fitted dresses, thigh highs(socks/boots) heels,ect?”

More of a vent than an ask but I’d love to hear your input…

More of a vent than an ask but I’d love to hear your input if you have one

There’s this guy that is pursuing me for a while now, but I don’t know how I feel about him. I said exactly that, and he told me it was fine, but he keeps pushing and I’m still confused and now he seems to be getting frustrated and I don’t know what to do.

Read the rest “More of a vent than an ask but I’d love to hear your input…”

If you could choose to live anywere in the world, where would it be?

If you could choose to live anywere in the world, where would it be?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Probably England. A sleepy village in the Midlands, perhaps. I’ve watched enough Geordie Shore now to know that if I ever travel more than five minutes north of Manchester, I’ll have no clue what anyone is saying, ever.… Read the rest “If you could choose to live anywere in the world, where would it be?”

I think it would be fun for your stream for you to tell some…

I think it would be fun for your stream for you to tell some of your sex stories.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’ve spent 8 years on this blog alone, documenting my activities. So if you’re saying “you should read posts from the blog on the stream”, then good news… that’s something I do occasionally.… Read the rest “I think it would be fun for your stream for you to tell some…”