Hello Sir. I’ve just recently found your blog and I’ve been furiously and pathetically…

Hello Sir. I’ve just recently found your blog and I’ve been furiously and pathetically edging to it, so I wanted to thank you.

If you don’t mind giving an answer, I was wondering how aftercare usually looks like in your relationships.… Read the rest “Hello Sir. I’ve just recently found your blog and I’ve been furiously and pathetically…”

Do you ever have just normal sex that doesn’t involve humiliating or harming a…

Do you ever have just normal sex that doesn’t involve humiliating or harming a woman?? would you ever actually do something like that to a woman knowing it could ruin her entire life??? I understand being turned on by that thought but by actually doing that it seems kind of cruel so I’m just wondering

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Unclutch your pearls, Margaret.… Read the rest “Do you ever have just normal sex that doesn’t involve humiliating or harming a…”

You do understand though that no matter how consensual, this kind of fetish could…

You do understand though that no matter how consensual, this kind of fetish could do horrible and lasting psychological damage to the virgin sub? Nobody should get off to that.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Madam, my generation pioneered using a four hour block of Cold Case Files repeats on A&E as porn… twenty years ago, I could almost get hard hearing Bill Kurtis intone “the body.”… Read the rest “You do understand though that no matter how consensual, this kind of fetish could…”

When it comes to her, you’re saying that trying isn’t even enough – she…

When it comes to her, you’re saying that trying isn’t even enough – she has to commit to making a sacrifice. But when it comes to him, he’s making a huge mistake because he wants to make a sacrifice? If this isn’t double standards I don’t know what it is.

Read the rest “When it comes to her, you’re saying that trying isn’t even enough – she…”

My fiancé just told me he’s I am not. And he knows this. He…

My fiancé just told me he’s poly.. I am not. And he knows this. He says that he can repress these feelings because he doesn’t want to lose me. He’d rather have me than have multiple partners. Most would say that’s flattering, but to me I hate I can’t fulfill this part of my doms life.

Read the rest “My fiancé just told me he’s I am not. And he knows this. He…”

I bet you’d be the perfect partner in public, take care of me, open…

I bet you’d be the perfect partner in public, take care of me, open doors, make sure I’m warm or I have water but the second the door closes or we’d get a moment alone, I can imagine you slapping me across the face and telling me everything I did wrong that day.

Read the rest “I bet you’d be the perfect partner in public, take care of me, open…”

Will you ever want a monogamous relationship? Someone who you will want to be…

Will you ever want a monogamous relationship? Someone who you will want to be with forever and give all your love to?

No disrespect at all, just curious and feel free to not respond if it’s too personal.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’ve been monogamous for many years at a time.… Read the rest “Will you ever want a monogamous relationship? Someone who you will want to be…”