My sister killed herself recently. We were always really open about our sexuality together.…

My sister killed herself recently. We were always really open about our sexuality together. She shared your blog with me a while ago and I never cared to look until now. I miss her deeply. When I read all that you have to say, I feel closer to her and turned on.… Read the rest “My sister killed herself recently. We were always really open about our sexuality together.…”

The Daily Dad — Jan 17, 2024

Things you might want to know:

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every time I reallllllly need to go to the bathroom and I’m just… able to, freely, without waiting or holding? Every time, I think “gee I’m so glad I’m not Puddles” 🤭

I’m sure you’ll find any number of circumstances in life where things are considerably easier due to you being not-Puddles.… Read the rest “”

I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming,…

I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming, the funniest part is this woman used to watch marathons of TRW with me when I was in middle and high school (I’m in my late 20s) and apparently missed all of the points, and didn’t go well…she didn’t even last a full minute into it when that convo…..super

Read the rest “I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming,…”