Oldest person you’ve been with?

Oldest person you’ve been with?

That would be impolite to say exactly… but the oldest would be my current age, and the oldest relative-to-me-at-the-time was seven years my elder. Although if you want to count “made out and felt her up in public while her husband was in prison” as “been with”, then the biggest relative gap was 16 years.… Read the rest “Oldest person you’ve been with?”

Oldest person you’ve been with?

That would be impolite to say exactly… but the oldest would be my current age, and the oldest relative-to-me-at-the-time was seven years my elder. Although if you want to count “made out and felt her up in public while her husband was in prison” as “been with”, then the biggest relative gap was 16 years.… Read the rest “Oldest person you’ve been with?”

I’m 21 years old and am so overwhelmed with adulthood and all of its responsibilities. I really wish I could just cling onto your leg like a child and you could make all of my decisions for me.

That can be arranged, assuming you can make yourself useful.

But if you want me to captain the empty vessel of your adulthood, you’d better be sea-worthy. ‘Cause we’re heading to open water and you may not see home again.

I don’t understand your answer to how old you are 🥺 what does that mean?

I need to remember that half of you aren’t just young… you’re on the other side of the planet.

We Didn’t Start The Fire’s lyrics are a chronological recitation of significant historical events and people, which range from shortly after World War II —when Billy Joel was born— to Tiananmen Square in 1989, when the song was released.… Read the rest “I don’t understand your answer to how old you are 🥺 what does that mean?”