Please pretty please write a story where a girl is tied up and left to be used by whoever or something

Girl exhaled like an animal when it realizes the trap has been sprung, or like an old woman giving up the ghost. Whatshisname grunted in satisfaction, noting that exhalation was now the only movement his handiwork allowed. He stood and looked —first east and then west— down the track.… Read the rest “Please pretty please write a story where a girl is tied up and left to be used by whoever or something”

Tumblr just informed me that today is Bedtime Stories’ sixth birthday. In terms of sex blogs run by mean old men, that’s, like, a century. And if it feels forever to me, it must feel even more so to some of you… some of you little freaks have been with me your entire adult lives, through all my moods.… Read the rest “”