I’m intrigued by your blog in many ways, of course, but something I’ve always wondered is what you’re like outside this? Are you cold & intimidating? Are you really a ‘cranky old man’? Or are you actually really sweet to your family & friends, maybe you have a dog & a nice house & nobody would suspect what your secret thoughts are like? Or maybe, they aren’t secret at all & your sadism can be smelled a mile away by people with noses like mine. I think that’s the option that intrigues me most..

  • “Are you cold & intimidating?” Nope & depends on the context.
  • “Are you really a cranky old man?” Or a pompous moldering asshole. Take your pick.
  • “Or are you actually…” I’m polite to people and try to treat them the way I’d like to be treated.
Read the rest “I’m intrigued by your blog in many ways, of course, but something I’ve always wondered is what you’re like outside this? Are you cold & intimidating? Are you really a ‘cranky old man’? Or are you actually really sweet to your family & friends, maybe you have a dog & a nice house & nobody would suspect what your secret thoughts are like? Or maybe, they aren’t secret at all & your sadism can be smelled a mile away by people with noses like mine. I think that’s the option that intrigues me most..”

Hello Mr. Bedtime. I’m a long-time follower, and I would scroll and edge my little brains out wishing I could find a man mean enough to have my best interests in mind. Well, I realized that I have to be pretty (and skinny) enough in order to even find a man to do these things, and so I have to start by holding /myself/ accountable. I’ve been working on my flexibility for a couple weeks, and today for the first time I am going to make myself puke! Thank you for motivating me to be the best me.


Just… no. You sweet, stupid little fuck.

(I’m gonna say a bunch of things you already know, but maybe you’ll listen if I say it.)

Y’know what purging’s gonna get you, dummy? An ED and an ass just as fat as the one you started with.… Read the rest “Hello Mr. Bedtime. I’m a long-time follower, and I would scroll and edge my little brains out wishing I could find a man mean enough to have my best interests in mind. Well, I realized that I have to be pretty (and skinny) enough in order to even find a man to do these things, and so I have to start by holding /myself/ accountable. I’ve been working on my flexibility for a couple weeks, and today for the first time I am going to make myself puke! Thank you for motivating me to be the best me.”

I don’t know. I’ve been following you for three years and I’m only 24. Does that classify as old? Who cares, I can still be a dumb baby if I want to

Yes, yes… you twentysomethings are all past your sell-by date and ready to crumble into dust. With any luck, your rapid descent into sexual irrelevance will be cushioned at the bottom by society’s generous and respectful embrace of aging women.

But according to anonymous men on Tumblr, osteoporosis and menopause are a big problem among 24 year olds, so be careful with yourself, granny.… Read the rest “I don’t know. I’ve been following you for three years and I’m only 24. Does that classify as old? Who cares, I can still be a dumb baby if I want to”

You take yourself entirely too seriously. You appeal only to used up older women that can’t get any man to pay attention to them anymore. And to the random curious dumb young girl. The self important pride in which you write is sad to see. You want to know the mind of a woman but you can’t get past your own needs. You swim in shallow waters and convince yourself it’s the deep ocean. This schtick of yours isn’t impressive. Someone just needed to say it.

  1. I’ll have you know that I generally take myself in a manly-yet-playful fashion, like I’m trying to gently strangle a ferret.
  2. Fascinating how these kinds of asks always pretend to critique me, and yet within a sentence or two, invariably turn to insulting innocent women.
Read the rest “You take yourself entirely too seriously. You appeal only to used up older women that can’t get any man to pay attention to them anymore. And to the random curious dumb young girl. The self important pride in which you write is sad to see. You want to know the mind of a woman but you can’t get past your own needs. You swim in shallow waters and convince yourself it’s the deep ocean. This schtick of yours isn’t impressive. Someone just needed to say it.”

Have been scrolling through your old posts and saw you like Billy Joel and now i’m wondering what your favorite song is so i can obsess about it 😊

Hm. I don’t know that I can give you one, but here are a bunch that are favorites for various reasons:

  • Stiletto… because Billy’s masochistic view of romance helped a pre-teen me understand how the other half lives.
  • An Innocent Man… because I identified with it a lot as a kid.
Read the rest “Have been scrolling through your old posts and saw you like Billy Joel and now i’m wondering what your favorite song is so i can obsess about it 😊”