Ahem .. it’s “lips of an angel”, not kiss from an angel 🙉

Fair enough. I’m sorry for erroneously naming your song, Buckcher— I mean late-career Aerosmi— I mean, Hinder.

Bear in mind, you’re talking to someone who, as a kid, was convinced that an old Kenny Rogers song referred to “four hundred children, and a crop in the field.”… Read the rest “Ahem .. it’s “lips of an angel”, not kiss from an angel 🙉”

Bedtime Behavior for Boisterous Boys


For reasons that have always mystified and vaguely embarrassed me, I’ve received dozens of asks from young men over the years, wanting me to tell them how to… be me. Most of the guys in question seem like well-intentioned, decent people, but that’s pretty much the most absurd goal anyone could ever have, so I’ve just ignored them.… Read the rest “Bedtime Behavior for Boisterous Boys”

A Sinister Proposal

You know what’s missing from this kink scene? The one immutable characteristic of a woman that no one takes the time and artisanal pride to degrade with any enthusiasm?

We need more southpaw-shaming.

How many of you left-handed perverts are out there, rubbing your clits counter-clockwise or some weird shit, trying to be little but realizing you still can’t cut construction paper like a normal four year old, and turning your hand into a crab claw so you can scribble your deepest, darkest, most awkward, and klutzy thoughts into your dream journal?… Read the rest “A Sinister Proposal”