“Secret Silken World” – David Baerwald

I took a ride with a sadist on a Saturday night
His teeth were like diamonds in the dashboard light
He knew a place nearby, we took a right at the light
and I smiled ‘cause I’d never, ever been there

David Baerwald’s A Secret Silken World is about the uncomfortable allure of a creepy old pervert who feasts on gormless youth, so yeah, I’m more or less contractually obligated to include it here.… Read the rest ““Secret Silken World” – David Baerwald”

“Mother Mother” – Tracy Bonham

I know the blog’s soundtrack is starting to look like a Lilith Fair lineup, but the ‘90s were a very good time for those who enjoyed listening to women howl out their pain.

Intriguingly, at the end of the decade, most of those shattering, disturbing women’s voices were brushed aside by a sixteen year old in braids who was begging to be hit one more time.… Read the rest ““Mother Mother” – Tracy Bonham”

How do I get a guy to stop being nice to me?

Depends on why he’s being nice, I suppose.

For example, perhaps he doesn’t care about you. Screaming “WHORE!” into a woman’s spittle-flecked, wide-eyed face while filling her ass with cum and strangling her with a shoelace is hard work, and it’s possible you just aren’t worth the effort.… Read the rest “How do I get a guy to stop being nice to me?”

Q & A: Chickwatching

Someone privately asked:

How does a man identify a broken girl?

I’m not sure how to answer the question, because I (rightly or wrongly) feel like I’m atypical. Unless you count this blog, I’ve never actively sought out broken girls; they’ve always found me.… Read the rest “”