How do you feel about encouraging a girl’s ed? Telling her what she can and cant eat. Making her small and fragile

Last things first.

  1. I’m tall and old and cunts are stupid… making them feel small and fragile doesn’t require a weight-loss regimen.
  2. I’m all for telling her what she can and can’t eat. I’m all for dictating quantities and qualities. I’m all for making her spend the day feeding off of whatever she can get out of me.
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I have a lot of stretchmarks from getting in shape and I’m extremely self conscious about it.

I want to be more active in the bdsm scene, but I’m discouraged because now I feel like I don’t fit the aesthetic as a sub. Help.

Woman, are you out of your damned mind?

“From getting in shape” are the only words of import in this entire paragraph.… Read the rest “I have a lot of stretchmarks from getting in shape and I’m extremely self conscious about it.”

“Black Hole Sun” — Soundgarden

When I look back on this after almost thirty years, I am impressed with what director Howard Greenhalgh managed to achieve on a no-doubt razor-thin budget in 1994. The morphing and other CG was primitive, but BHS actually does a better job of using these new tools artistically than just about anything else of the era.… Read the rest ““Black Hole Sun” — Soundgarden”

I’m a little younger than Matthew Perry and a little older than Ben Affleck —and am uglier and infinitely poorer than both— and yet I have never felt the need to beg nineteen year olds to talk to me. Seriously, guys… if I had your resources, I’d literally be running a Hot Bitch Commune right now.… Read the rest “”

Olympia Dukakis (1931-2021)

She hit the peak of her career in her 50s, which is impressive for any actor, but especially so for a woman in the 1980s. And she did it sharing the screen with some of the biggest, showiest actors of her era —Nic Cage and Cher in Moonstruck— and as part of star-heavy ensembles like Steel Magnolias.… Read the rest “Olympia Dukakis (1931-2021)”

The Real World Homecoming

So MTV has semi-accidentally made Important Television in the 21st century. I did not see that coming.

Just as the original 1992 installment should have been an escapist trifle about cute twentysomethings sharing a New York loft and fighting over who’s not doing dishes, the 2021 show should have been a relatively sedate circle-jerk of fiftysomethings —my generation is looking old as fuck, y’all— congratulating themselves for being pioneers and showing off their various personal achievements. … Read the rest “The Real World Homecoming”