Hello Mr. Bedtime. I’m a long-time follower, and I would scroll and edge my little brains out wishing I could find a man mean enough to have my best interests in mind. Well, I realized that I have to be pretty (and skinny) enough in order to even find a man to do these things, and so I have to start by holding /myself/ accountable. I’ve been working on my flexibility for a couple weeks, and today for the first time I am going to make myself puke! Thank you for motivating me to be the best me.


Just… no. You sweet, stupid little fuck.

(I’m gonna say a bunch of things you already know, but maybe you’ll listen if I say it.)

Y’know what purging’s gonna get you, dummy? An ED and an ass just as fat as the one you started with.… Read the rest “Hello Mr. Bedtime. I’m a long-time follower, and I would scroll and edge my little brains out wishing I could find a man mean enough to have my best interests in mind. Well, I realized that I have to be pretty (and skinny) enough in order to even find a man to do these things, and so I have to start by holding /myself/ accountable. I’ve been working on my flexibility for a couple weeks, and today for the first time I am going to make myself puke! Thank you for motivating me to be the best me.”

I’m a male, and I am honestly surprised by how many girls follow you. I didn’t think there were so many that wanted to be treated like this. I love it

I suspect the full tally is even more staggering than it appears… after all, I only attract the brighter specimens who have above-average language skills, and are clever enough to appreciate my particular strengths. The real, honest-to-God, moronic fuckholes out there probably outnumber my audience 100:1.… Read the rest “I’m a male, and I am honestly surprised by how many girls follow you. I didn’t think there were so many that wanted to be treated like this. I love it”

Do you look like Dwight in rl??☺️





Not even vaguely. Sadly, we can’t all be that handsome.

Having said that, I’m not sure who I look like. You’d have to ask The Idiots.

I would give my right nipple to be able to see what you look like 😶

A nipple might be excessive, and would mess up your rack.

Read the rest “Do you look like Dwight in rl??☺️”

Hi! Will you move to bdsmlr? I really don’t want to miss your post in the future! <3

I don’t plan to move anywhere… until something better comes along, I’ll be right here. (SPOILER ALERT: There is nothing better at this time.)

With that said, yeah, I’ve created a bdsmlr account. (Unlikely to be used.) I’ve created an Ello account.… Read the rest “Hi! Will you move to bdsmlr? I really don’t want to miss your post in the future! <3”

Is there anyway we can talk to you one on one off of tumblr? As lame as it is to say… maybe on Kik or something?



Ugh… Kik. I spend most of my time on an iPad, and Kik still hasn’t bothered to make their app universal. It kinda works in landscape, but it’s ultimately just a shitty, upsized iPhone app. I’m willing to keep it installed because people like @dumbbigtittedslut pester me on occasion, but the chances of a random stranger getting me to engage there are slim.

Read the rest “Is there anyway we can talk to you one on one off of tumblr? As lame as it is to say… maybe on Kik or something?”