I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming,…

I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming, the funniest part is this woman used to watch marathons of TRW with me when I was in middle and high school (I’m in my late 20s) and apparently missed all of the points, and didn’t go well…she didn’t even last a full minute into it when that convo…..super

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Do you think it’s acceptable for a guy to ask his submissive gf to alter her physical appearance to better suit him?

Not something small such as a type of heel or lingerie. More along the lines of cutting her hair or losing a specific amount of weight?

Is it acceptable? Absolutely. You know what else is acceptable? Telling him “fuck no” and bolting.… Read the rest “Do you think it’s acceptable for a guy to ask his submissive gf to alter her physical appearance to better suit him?”

I went to hug a girl and she grabbed my hand and shook it. what does it mean??

It means she doesn’t want to hug you. And until she trusts you enough to tell you more, that’s all you need to know.

As far as I’m concerned, automatic hugging has always been part stupid, part sleazy. Seinfeld told us to “get off the ‘kiss hello’ program” almost 30 years ago, and I thiink it’s time the obligatory hug followed it into the dustbin of history. … Read the rest “I went to hug a girl and she grabbed my hand and shook it. what does it mean??”

what do I do if my girl cheats on me with a famous guy and justifies it by saying that it was a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” and anyone would’ve done it?

I dunno… see, it’s all a matter of your dignity. And it’s 2021; you could be talking about some dipshit like Logan Paul.

If by “famous” you mean your girl tripped and fell on Alexander Skarsgard’s dick, your only question should be whether or not she stuck the landing.… Read the rest “what do I do if my girl cheats on me with a famous guy and justifies it by saying that it was a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” and anyone would’ve done it?”

What is the single hardest lesson a man has to learn in a relationship with a woman?

How to meet her at her level, where she lives. How to speak her language, and then become better at it than she is.

And then change her language. Colonize it. Pervert it until she doesn’t know where she ends and I begin.… Read the rest “What is the single hardest lesson a man has to learn in a relationship with a woman?”

I truly do fall asleep to your blog, you know? Maybe I just hope to find your words in played out in my dreams

You’re not alone. Although everyone’s favorite thing with me is falling asleep to the sound of my voice.

I don’t get it, personally, but I long ago quit trying to talk sense to idiots. They’re gonna love what they love, and I’ve just got to deal with being “what”.