Why are dudes in porn so mad

Two reasons:

  1. Because they work in an industry where the girls are often disposable fuck-trash and seldom acknowledged as human… while the boys matter even less. Venting their simple-minded rage on some empty-eyed, limp-bodied nothing of a woman who’s getting paid 10x their asking price is pretty much all the job has going for it.
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How can I learn to be expressive with my emotions?

That’s kind of a huge topic, but one piece of it is “learn to speak with intent”.

I know it’s cool to tell The Olds that communicating in more than ironic in-crowd gibberish and meme-speak is unnecessary, and if you have nothing particular or intimate to convey, that’s probably true.… Read the rest “How can I learn to be expressive with my emotions?”

Unfortunately, my boyfriend is upset because I never have orgasms during sex…

I’m 20 and I’ve only had 1 guy before him. I never had an orgasm with anyone and I don’t know why. I feel like he’s blaming me for it.

Barring some unusual malady or a bad interaction between your libido and your meds, the most likely reason you’re not cumming is that neither of you know what you’re doing.… Read the rest “Unfortunately, my boyfriend is upset because I never have orgasms during sex…”

My boyfriend’s last hookup was with a girl who actively requested anal sex from him…

He says that she could cum from him cumming in her ass. I’ve only done anal twice before (with the same person), and he spent several sessions working up to it (fingers, then toys). Once I got past the initial twinge of pain/discomfort, I enjoyed the feeling, and I am not averse to trying it again with my current boyfriend.

Read the rest “My boyfriend’s last hookup was with a girl who actively requested anal sex from him…”