do you have any advice on getting over men like you?

My practical advice is simple: get used to it.

One of the first warnings I give anyone becoming close to me is: “if this has to end, we’ll end it in a grown-up and reasonable fashion— but for you, it’s not going to be over when it ends.”… Read the rest “do you have any advice on getting over men like you?”

what are your thoughts on CNC? have you ever participated? would you?

My thoughts are that people are going to do what they need to do to feel right; if everyone involved is thoughtful, their perspectives are extensively discussed and reconciled, and they both give a shit, things will work out. It’s just romance by other means, and the same kinds of self-contradictory, hormone-driven, semi-mystical rules apply.… Read the rest “what are your thoughts on CNC? have you ever participated? would you?”

How would you react if a stranger woman passes by touching you inappropriately?

That’s actually happened on quite a few occasions. Thanks to the influence of Girls Gone Wild, drunk girls in the early- and mid-2000s would pretty much molest any safe-looking man with an expensive-looking camera. They always approached in pairs —two drunk white girls have the combined confidence of approximately twenty normal humans— and did their best to be daddy-disappointing sluts.… Read the rest “How would you react if a stranger woman passes by touching you inappropriately?”

You need to come up with a date to woo your girlfriend and only have $20. What is your plan?

  1. Ask her why she bothered to show up without Daddy’s cut.
  2. Grip her arm a little more tightly than necessary, calmly demand her purse, and then take her out for an evening where the only limit is the one on her debit card.
Read the rest “You need to come up with a date to woo your girlfriend and only have $20. What is your plan?”

Hi I’m non-binary and despise being called a girl even during sex or when I’m in subspace…

…although I’m very into degradation and humiliation but when You say it and I imagine saying it to me it’s hot

It’s incredibly difficult and exhausting to defy society’s categorization of your body, the hostility of society to your self-categorization, and the very human impulse to do what the world wants rather than what you need.… Read the rest “Hi I’m non-binary and despise being called a girl even during sex or when I’m in subspace…”

Should I consider myself very lucky that my dom gives me an orgasm everytime he makes love to me?

Calibrate your gratitude… I think you should feel lucky that he makes love to you instead of treating you like an insufficiently absorbent sock. 

As for all those… ugly, greedy things he gives you, well, I’m sure he has a good reason for spoiling you like that.… Read the rest “Should I consider myself very lucky that my dom gives me an orgasm everytime he makes love to me?”