hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about…

hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about my betterment, takes me on as his protégé, truly cares about me, and who i can tell is holding himself back from taking my holes by the last little thread of his own morals…

how do i get him to snap that thread?… Read the rest “hi. if there’s a hot older man in my life who is serious about…”

Saddened me to hear on the livestream that this week/ time of the year…

Saddened me to hear on the livestream that this week/ time of the year are unkind for you. Sending love and well wishes from the UK ❤️

This has been… a very bad week. With the last twelve months comprising the worst year of my life.… Read the rest “Saddened me to hear on the livestream that this week/ time of the year…”

You mention that your girls have to be useful to you? In what ways…

You mention that your girls have to be useful to you? In what ways are they useful or need to fit that criteria?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Yes, I do mention it. Talent, skill, imagination, and a work ethic are all sexy… while I support an individual’s right to be kinky the way she wants to be kinky, I’m not personally interested in “useless” girls, or those who prioritize a simple life.… Read the rest “You mention that your girls have to be useful to you? In what ways…”

Is there such a thing as owning too many girls? Will you ever stop…

Is there such a thing as owning too many girls? Will you ever stop collecting new ones?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Numerous thoughts:

  1. You ask this as if I choose their number… as if they don’t come to me in isolation, and in waves, and in seasons I cannot foresee.
Read the rest “Is there such a thing as owning too many girls? Will you ever stop…”

turned 30 recently. i seem to have developed a bit of a belly despite…

turned 30 recently. i seem to have developed a bit of a belly despite leading a very active lifestyle. is this just what happens??? am i really turning into a old hag already?????? do i have to settle down and start a family or something????

Read the rest “turned 30 recently. i seem to have developed a bit of a belly despite…”