hiii Mr. Bi’ve seen you mention twin peaks a lot so i decides to…

hiii Mr. B

i’ve seen you mention twin peaks a lot so i decides to start watching it and i’ve finished the first episode. i really like it so far and i just wanted to tell you ☺️ and also say thank you because i probably wouldn’t have known about it without you <3

(submitted by: Anonymous)

There aren’t a lot of ‘80s shows —and despite premiering in April of 1990, Twin Peaks is the ultimate evolution of ‘80s television— that are evergreen.… Read the rest “hiii Mr. Bi’ve seen you mention twin peaks a lot so i decides to…”

i was reading the january 9th daily dad and i SO appreciate that you’ve…

i was reading the january 9th daily dad and i SO appreciate that you’ve watched mythic quest! mad respect! also, thoughts on deadwood? i know al is your pfp but i wanna know more of what you think about it! 😀

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Mythic Quest is great, and was my gateway drug for Always Sunny.… Read the rest “i was reading the january 9th daily dad and i SO appreciate that you’ve…”

I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming,…

I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming, the funniest part is this woman used to watch marathons of TRW with me when I was in middle and high school (I’m in my late 20s) and apparently missed all of the points, and didn’t go well…she didn’t even last a full minute into it when that convo…..super

Read the rest “I tried to get my mother to watch the first half of TRW Homecoming,…”