Speaking of Keri Russell 😍… Have you watched “The Americans”?

Are you kidding? It’s a show about Soviet sleeper agents, one of whom specializes in seducing women, making them fall in love, and convincing them to make the biggest mistakes of their lives.

I’ve watched every single minute. And unlike many of the prestige shows of the last decade, it didn’t fall apart at the end… The Americans is consistently excellent from start to finish, dramatically increased my respect for Keri Russell as an actor, and turned Matthew Rhys into a new favorite.… Read the rest “Speaking of Keri Russell 😍… Have you watched “The Americans”?”

You watched the Friends reunion? Thoughts?

Not many… aside from the Aniston/Schwimmer revelation, there wasn’t much there that wasn’t already well-known. That I more-or-less enjoyed it anyway demonstrates the cultural gravity that Friends had for my generation… we were all sucked in for life.

So the reunion itself was mostly just a reminder…

  • …that Friends wasn’t a brilliantly written show… the well-cast actors did most of the heavy lifting, turning mundane material into frothy magic.
Read the rest “You watched the Friends reunion? Thoughts?”

thoughts on the powerpuff girls reboot?

Holy hell, I didn’t know anything about that! I have zero attachment to the source material, but I mean, Diablo Cody! I remember subscribing to her I-was-a-stripper blog way-back-when, before she sold Juno. I’m not thrilled to see Greg Berlanti’s name attached, but I don’t actually hate his shows… they’re just eternally underwhelming.… Read the rest “thoughts on the powerpuff girls reboot?”

Olympia Dukakis (1931-2021)

She hit the peak of her career in her 50s, which is impressive for any actor, but especially so for a woman in the 1980s. And she did it sharing the screen with some of the biggest, showiest actors of her era —Nic Cage and Cher in Moonstruck— and as part of star-heavy ensembles like Steel Magnolias.… Read the rest “Olympia Dukakis (1931-2021)”