Would you like to taste a 24cm brazilian’s white cock and take breakfast with all the milk inside, launch all the meat on it till the balls and dinner all of it again?you got hungry little bb? Wanna taste and be feeded, let me know :)


who measures their dick using the metric system

Human history is nothing more than the long, slow process of men developing ever-finer scales of measurement for their penises.

I’m pretty sure Noah spent half his nights in the ark measuring his dick and inwardly lamenting that a “quarter of a cubit” didn’t sound as impressive as it should.


All I want in this world is to be treated like a dumb little child and constantly be patronized, talked down to and babied

Why yes, dear, that’s a lovely anniversary card you’ve made for me! I mean, you could have just bought me something I’d enjoy, like a normal person with a credit card, but you decided that hand-made gifts are “more special”.… Read the rest “”

So you block people for what? What makes you the perfect person? You’re a whore and a slut! You think that you’re this great amazing person becau we you know how to back up a Snapchat account, great job! You sell yourself for money, disgusting! You’re a prostitute, diseased, nasty, self degrading little cunt!


ok but my snapchat probably has more users than a small company beta testing an app. have fun buddy with your erection and grudge

An Erection & A Grudge: The Internet Man Story

It looked like you were just pushing water out of your vagina. I know where the urethra is and it certainly didn’t look like the liquid was coming out of it 😂 When I piss my lips don’t push open like that, because it’s a totally different area… I guess the dinguses are the ones really believing that was you pissing!


yes u got me! i went 2 the store, bought a douche (can u even buy them in uk stores??) filled it up w/ water, inserted it in2 my pussy & then i filmed myself pushing the water out of my pussy 2 defraud my clients & dupe the tumblr community.

Read the rest “It looked like you were just pushing water out of your vagina. I know where the urethra is and it certainly didn’t look like the liquid was coming out of it 😂 When I piss my lips don’t push open like that, because it’s a totally different area… I guess the dinguses are the ones really believing that was you pissing!”

If you were to show an enema on your snapchat what would you show? Whole thing? Just what goes in?


I dunno! I try to keep my snapchat kinda tame (I piss outside/drink my own piss/try to gape my ass/fist my cunt… “tame” lol but still!) bc I don’t wanna freak out anyone TOO much. Not everyone is gonna be into the gross things I’m into & I wanna keep my snapchat enjoyable for everyone so.

Read the rest “If you were to show an enema on your snapchat what would you show? Whole thing? Just what goes in?”