Cranky Old Man Shit: “Real Submissives”

Just a reminder that all the “you’re not a real submissive” talk you see online is pure, uncut bullshit. It’s broad-spectrum gaslighting, not an insight into the human condition.

I mean, look… I personally find the whole brat thing kind of exhausting, but big fucking deal.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: “Real Submissives””

Cranky Old Man Shit: Emo-ji

I’m am slowly —slowly— adjusting to emojis. I was slow to embrace emoticons before that. I’m just slow. But I’ll get there, because I try not to cling too tightly to unnecessary conventions.

With that said, I hope we don’t forever lose OTOH, IMHO, AFAIK, and a few other choice bits of early Internet-ese, because they’re more than of-their-time abbreviations.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: Emo-ji”

Cranky Old Man Shit: Deep Fakes

From Motherboard, regarding r/deepfakes and the intersection of neural networks, data-rich social media silos, and men who are at best vaguely aware that women are people:

“An incredibly easy-to-use application for DIY fake videos—of sex and revenge porn, but also political speeches and whatever else you want—that moves and improves at this pace could have society-changing impacts in the ways we consume media.Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: Deep Fakes”

Cranky Old Man Shit: Fuck Off

Y’know, I kinda thought this went without saying, but apparently not, so…

If you’re a self-described MRA, you are an insta-block. Absolutely nothing I have to say should ever be understood to be supportive of your pseudo-political self-pity trip. The average radfem may hate me, but I’d rather give each and every one of them a warm-n-fuzzy hug than enjoy even a microsecond of your enthusiastic support.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: Fuck Off”

Cranky Old Man Shit: The Boys

I’ve been seeing an uptick in male readers of late, which is something that always gives me pause. It probably seems like I talk about “writing for women” just to emphasize my preference for pussy, but it’s more than that.

I can trust grown women to read this stuff… women whose lives have taught them to see through my sleight of hand and appreciate the show all the same.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: The Boys”