Pussy Grabbing Old Man Shit: Trump

Once upon a time, while watching a nature documentary, I was struck by the sight of a wolf pack hunting caribou. Running at full speed, the pack seamlessly split in two, flanking the herd and ensuring the evening’s feast. The way they coordinated their work demonstrated to me the primitive, nasty intelligence built into the prey drive… at will and without a word, these wild animals organized into a highly efficient, motivated, and ruthless team.… Read the rest “Pussy Grabbing Old Man Shit: Trump”

Cranky Old Man Shit: Comparisons

From my asks: “Who’s prettier? ______, ______, or ______?”

Fuck off with that.

I enjoy picking on celebrities from afar, so I’ll play along with asks about who’s hot and who’s not; for your entertainment, I’m willing to channel my more articulate version of Drunken Stepfather and talk all kinds of trash about wealthy and powerful people.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: Comparisons”

Cranky Old Man Shit: Photography

I’m going to get patronizing and paternalistic for a minute… yes, I mean more so than usual. Because I wish some of you crazy bitches could unilaterally reassess your relationship with photography.

Still photography is one of the most unnatural, inhuman inventions in civilization’s robust portfolio.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: Photography”

Cranky Old Man Shit: Slurred

It’s been correctly observed that I lean heavily on cheap slurs like “cunt”, “whore”, and “slut” in my writing, and I’ll grant you, I’m probably a touch lazy about it on occasion. But in my defense, please bear in mind that I’m trying to manipulate otherwise-reasonable women into masturbating to perverted prose poetry; I need all the help I can get.… Read the rest “Cranky Old Man Shit: Slurred”