Here a non sex question that I hope you don’t find boring. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead. Who would be and why?








I am absolutely coming to this dinner. Heads up

Our flights are going to turn this into one seriously pricey meal, greedy.

With that said, I’m all in favor of an Algonquin Round Table of Weird Girls encouraging me to ramble.

Read the rest “Here a non sex question that I hope you don’t find boring. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead. Who would be and why?”

My love language is tender dehumanization


I’m not the kinda girl that wants to be hit or abused. I’m not a painslut. Like not at all. Husband loves me but doesn’t fully respect me as a person. He knows I’m too stupid to make my own decisions and we’ve had conversations where I’ve done something dumb and he’d start to get upset and then he’d like stop himself, like ‘oh right, you’re just dumb, of course you didn’t think this through.’

Read the rest “My love language is tender dehumanization”