favourite sweet treat?


Ooo I really love those Chessman cookies, they’re very delicious and perfect for dipping in tea! Other than that, I like kit kats and alllll fruit, especially strawberries 🍓

I always get these anons asking if there’s a non-sexual way to tell a girl’s submissive.… Read the rest “favourite sweet treat?”

What kind of games do u enjoy!




I like all kinds of games! I like board games, especially scrabble, and I like card games, like gin and setback, and puzzles!

And Carcassonne! She loves Carcassonne! She’s suuuuuuper good at it, too! Watching her play is like watching Queen’s Gambit, only with little cardboard plots of French countryside instead of chess pieces, and an even more insatiable desire for drug-induced euphoria.

Read the rest “What kind of games do u enjoy!”





This is one of those rare instances where the photo says it all

Men explaining things to me is my kink

In a patronizing way, like I’m a dumb child who can’t understand the most basic of concepts

Hey, you.… Read the rest “”