retrocgads:USA 1990 CompuServe wasn’t my first online experience. I spent a lot of time…

retrocgads:USA 1990 CompuServe wasn’t my first online experience. I spent a lot of time…


USA 1990

CompuServe wasn’t my first online experience. I spent a lot of time dialing in to local BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), playing games, downloading software, and very, very occasionally, talking to people.

The thing with CS was that —while it was ridiculously expensive— there were tools available that allowed you to jump online, grab the stuff you wanted, and jump back off.… Read the rest “retrocgads:USA 1990 CompuServe wasn’t my first online experience. I spent a lot of time…”

Thoughts on consentually fucking or giving oral to your partner and them to you…

Thoughts on consentually fucking or giving oral to your partner and them to you while asleep


I want to be left alone while sleeping. Go a hump a pillow, you hyperactive twat.

And it seems to me that if she can sleep through a sex act, I’m doing something wrong.

Read the rest “Thoughts on consentually fucking or giving oral to your partner and them to you…”

Have you ever really hooked up with a follower off tumblr? Would you again?

Have you ever really hooked up with a follower off tumblr? Would you again?


What a weird question. I hope newbies aren’t wandering into this corner of Tumblr and assuming that it’s all online role players and fantasy diarists, ‘cause that’s a misconception that can get them into some serious trouble.

Read the rest “Have you ever really hooked up with a follower off tumblr? Would you again?”

darth-azrael: Compute! (February 1989) At least three-quarters of my Computes were lost in various moves…

darth-azrael: Compute! (February 1989) At least three-quarters of my Computes were lost in various moves…


 Compute! (February 1989)

At least three-quarters of my Computes were lost in various moves over the last forty years, but I’ve held on to a few… I have this issue somewhere in a closet.

Why did I hold on to this particular one?… Read the rest “darth-azrael: Compute! (February 1989) At least three-quarters of my Computes were lost in various moves…”

The Gathering: A Retrospective

I only talked about it obliquely during the run-up, but we had out first official Church of Bedtime gathering a couple weeks ago. The Airbnb only had room for three of the girls this time —and we only had a weekend at that— but it was quite successful and satisfying all the same.… Read the rest “”